Saturday, June 13, 2009

The case of the angry professor.

I walked into our rooms in Baker Street and saw that Holmes was looking quite glum. I wondered what had occurred to bring out the melancholy which was always so close to the surface.
“So Holmes, what say you?”
“I have had news Watson.”
“Really what news is that?”
“I am afraid that Professor Moriarty has decided to return to his life of crime. His unspeakable crimes of the past are mere preludes to what he will inflict on an unsuspecting populace.’
“Well what brought this on Holmes? I thought he was gone over the falls?”
“No he is very much alive and he is furious. It seems that he has lost an important contest in academia to a tubby alchemist from Germany when he felt he deserved the accolades. He even finished behind another academic who has a perverse interest in botany and hornyculture as it where. When he knows that he is the preeminent mind in the entire criminal underworld. It must have been a shock.”
“Well Holmes what are these academic prizes and popularity contest but mere chaff in the wind. It is the deeds one do that count most after all.”
“So true so true Watson. And their deeds are evil to the core. We must fear their evil. Be afraid. Be very afraid.”

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