Monday, June 29, 2009

Oh yeah it's Pepper the real Police Woman!!!

Not that I want to influence you or anything like that there.


Curtiss said...

So Trooper, did you ever see Big Bad Mama?

Here's the trailer.

It's all you'd like to see of Angie and her friends. William Shatner and Tom Skerritt are in it, too.

There's kind of a carpet and drapes disparity going on, if you know what I mean. But who cares.

KCFleming said...

I yam in loves.

former law student said...

One flaw: Her hair never seemed to belong to her head.

Trooper York said...

I love Big Bad Momma!!!

And you know FLS I never noticed her hair.

I guess I never looked up at it. Sorry.

Penny said...

You are RIGHT, fls! But other than that, she sure had it all going on. I don't want any cuffs, but it sure would be fun to do the town with Angie or Pepper.