Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Let's be careful out there!

New York Post June 24, 2009

Weird but true -- and tragic.
A teenager in Romania, sending Twitter messages while lying in the tub, was electrocuted when she accidentally dropped her laptop in the water.
Maria Barbu, 17, tried to plug her computer in after she wound the battery down during a long "tweeting" session.

Please ladies I beg you. When you are in the tub, play with your twat not your tweet.

Let's be careful out there.


Anonymous said...

I used to love Hill Street Blues, especially the theme song. I watched a rerun a couple of years ago, when we were on vacation, and couldn't believe the liberal crap that spewed from the television. I had no discrimination when I was younger. I used to think Hawaii Five-O was good, too.

Maybe we could have a poll of what can be safely plugged in while in the tub?

Hoosier Daddy said...

That's one of those situations where I think the Almighty says, I flipped and you got tails.

blake said...


Yeah, I'm afraid to go back and look at some of those shows.

Sorry, though: Cloud 13 death.