Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Laura Bush's Diary

So I just got home from the Roller Derby with the twins and we were really feeling no pain. After the show we went to El Torritos down near the interstate and had quite a few pitchers of margherita’s with some of the roller derby girls. You know I am starting to wonder about Barbara a little because she can’t keep a man and she liked the roller derby just a little too much. I hope I don’t have a Chastity Bono situation on my hands. Not that there’s anything wrong with that but I don’t want Barbara to try to sew on a dick and all. I hear that Chastity Bono is even changing her name to Chastity Boner. What are they gonna come up with next.

Anyway’s I heard W shouting and a cussing at the TV. I went to see what was going on and he was watching the news from Iran. You see all the students and small business men there were protesting the election results and the Iranian police are kicking the shit out of the protestors and W was all pissed off. He was yelling at the TV and saying what was Barry O gonna do about it and that it was a great chance to fuck up those towel heads who run things over there. I had to tell him to calm down and chill. I mean this isn’t our problem anymore and he didn’t have to get all hot and bothered after all. But you see W takes after his mom that way and she can be one vindictive pop eyed twat let me tell you.

I remember one time when Poppy was president and Neil got into a little argument with his mom. He felt that she was neglecting her job as first lady by spending all her time with low life midget wrestlers and such and he felt she was really making herself look bad. She had forgotten about all the people who had worked so hard to get her into the White House. When Dom Deluise tried to tell her about it she told him she wanted to kick him in the ass. I mean Neil really didn’t say much I mean it wasn’t like he went on the Today show or anything. He just was interviewed on this little obscure newspaper but our eagle eyed Barb spied it right out and got all pissed off. So she decided to get even. I mean it wasn’t like she wrote to him or called him to talk about it. She just got on her horse. She called the IRS and Social Security and had all his records expunged. The poor fuck didn’t even exist on paper anymore. She had him erased. It was like it was Russia or something.

Anyway Neil went to Jeb who was always his mother’s favorite that little kiss ass sumbitch. He knew the way to calm down the old bat. He had his wife have her brother Lorenzo the gardener over to trim some bush if you know what I mean. That calmed the old bat down and we were able to reinstate Neil among the land of the living.

You see old Barb was a sucker for a hot sweaty gardener. She loves her hornyculture.

1 comment:

The Dude said...

Saw Cher's movie "Chastity" the other night. Made back in '69, before she had plastic surgery.

She named her daughter after her character in a movie written by her husband.

Now, after all that normalcy, Chaz is getting an addadictomy. Life follows art...