Friday, December 17, 2010

Today's gratuituous Bathtub Photo: MamaM washes up the kid!

Hey back in the day we couldn't afford hot tubs. So some times the little nipper had to chill out in the sink.

Thanks to MamaM for emailing this to us.

That's our MamaM!!!!!!!!!!


chickelit said...

Been there done that. That's how my mama first found my secret mole.

MamaM said...

"Cracks and creases, scoops and buns (scoops and buns)," (sung to the tune of "There's a tavern in the town, in the town")

Those are the words MamaM used to sing to her bunny boys as she rinsed the beach sand off their little bicuits. No secret Moles at the M house, but an abundance of scoop and lots o' Fun in the Sink.

ricpic said...

That was me in the 50's.

I wanna go home!

ricpic said...

Well, actually the late 40's.

Titus said...

My sisters actually washed me in the sink.


Titus said...

For me it was the 70's.

My sisters washed my balls.

Is that normal?

I so want to be normal.

ricpic said...

Well you're not!

Trooper York said...

That's normal Titus.

Now Tiger Woods has his caddy wash his balls.

That's just sick.

MamaM said...

MamaM wanted her Trooper to see what she had in mind back when she suggest a nice soothing bath to help settle his feathers. She became a tad concerned when it seemed his thoughts were running a different direction.