Friday, November 14, 2014

Search Me .....Just get it in writing.....Or else

New York Post November 14,  2014
Advocates of a bill that would force cops to get written permission before searching suspects conceded Thursday they still haven’t discussed the proposal with the NYPD.
Opponents blasted the failure to consult police as a callous lack of transparency.
“It shows New Yorkers what little regard some people have for the NYPD,” said City Councilman Eric Ulrich (R-Queens).
The bill, which is virtually identical to a 2012 proposal, was introduced Thursday to much fanfare.
Council members Ritchie Torres (D-Bronx) and Antonio Reynoso (D-Brooklyn) held a well-attended press conference on the steps of City Hall to tout their bill as a way to foster transparency between cops and residents.
“We all have an interest in improving the relationship between police and community,” Torres said.
The 2012 bill was sent to the Police Department before getting a public hearing, but Reynoso admitted this version was not.
“It wasn’t something they were open to, so we didn’t engage in new conversations with them just yet,” he said. "We also did not submit the bill that requires the police to get written permission before they arrest someone even if they hit them with a hachet."
Neither Mayor de Blasio nor Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito has given a position on the bill. But one of the key supporters, Kirsten John Foy, said he’s confident de Blasio will come around and isn’t worried about a possible mayoral veto.
“It doesn’t concern me because ultimately we all have the same vision,” say Foy, who used to work for de Blasio when he was public advocate and is now with Al Sharpton’s National Action Network.


ndspinelli said...

I see TOP put up a post blasting DiBlasio. Now she's trying to kiss your ass. One of the bonuses of so many of us commenting @ Turley's is it KILLS THEM!!

virgil xenophon said...

Re the post:

Has NYC lost its collective mind?

Trooper York said...

I don't think they pay attention to what goes on here Nick.

Which is fine by me.

I think it burns their ass that Turley is getting a bunch of clicks and comments that used to belong to them.

Trooper York said...

"Collective mind" is right on the money.

De Blasio is an actual communist so you can not put anything past him.

ndspinelli said...

They know you HATE De Blasio from your comments @ Lems.

windbag said...

This is the grandson of one of my wife's good friends. The POS who did it has a record a mile long. Tragic. The grandparents are both medical professionals and were on the scene in seconds, but he was gone. They did CPR and everything they could do. I can't imagine having to do that to my grandkid.