Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Doubling down on stupid!

Mayor Bill De Blasio has doubled down on stupid.

When he examined the cases of Michael Brown and Eric Garner he was proud to announce that he told his son to be afraid of cops. To walk softly and be afraid that at any moment they might beat, arrest even kill him. Every cop. Not just a bad apple. To walk in fear of the police.
When he was asked if his incendiary rhetoric and his warm embrace of protestors who shouted “Kill the Police”……Mayor De Blasio blamed the press:

Reporter:"Mr. Mayor, you were referring to protesters as people who are working to advance justice in society. The chants that we were hearing at the protests, ''NYPD-KKK. How do you spell racist? KKK.' Would you be comfort able with your young adults in your household chanting like this at the protests, and we're hearing virtually every protest?"

Mayor de Blasio: "Of course not," de Blasio responded. "We've talk about this so many times and I'm not going to talk about it again. And now the question now is, what are you guys going to do? What are you guys going to do? Are you going to keep dividing us?"

"I am telling you over again again, that's how you want to portray the world but we know a different reality. There are people who do that. It's wrong. It's wrong. They shouldn't do that. It's immoral, it's wrong, it's nasty, it's negative. They should not do that but they, my friend, are not the majority. Stop portraying them as the majority.”

Of course he never said that at the time of the relentless attacks on all policemen. Then every policemen was a potential murderer of his son. He warmly embraced the protests and did not speak out against them blocked traffic and disrupt the city day after day. He was quick to condemn every police officer who might come into contact with his son as a potential danger…as someone who would beat or kill him. Just as President Obama and Attorney General Holder have done repeatedly.

Mayor de Blasio surrounds himself with cop haters such as Al Sharpton and Rachel Noerdlinger. As noted by former Commissioner Ray Kelly the Mayor ran on an anti-police platform promising to tie their hands. Which he did as soon as he came into office and ended stop and frisk.
So to recap none of his actions or words did anything to stoke the fire of this deranged criminal who was in fact one of the protestors. There is video of this scumbag at a demonstration as he soaked up the hate and stoked his rage.

You see it is the fault of the press. Pontius de Blasio is just washing his hands and saying none of this has anything to do with him.

De Blasio must go.


rcocean said...

You guys blew it. You should have made Bloomberg King.

Michael Haz said...

Story is that GWB is going to attend the funerals of both NYPD officers, although that could change as GHWB was hospitalized this evening.

GWB at funerals while BHO golfs. Interesting, if it happens.

chickelit said...

Blas de Bilio should go!