Saturday, December 20, 2014

It's De Blasio time.

I live in the belly of the beast. This is what NYC has become under Obama and De Blasio.

Don't let anybody fool you. Don't let anybody offer excuses and lies. This is what they really think.

This is De Blasio time.


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Stay safe Trooper.

rcocean said...

Pretty creepy. I assume its a Sharpton crowd or maybe Commies.

Aridog said...

Trooper...a cross posted comment I made on Turley's:

Trooper … (You commandeering villain you ) … I expected today’s events after the marching sing along in NYC recently where the chant was: “What do we Want? Dead Cops! etc” …That kind of stuff will bring out the Kathy Boudin & Bill Ayers in assorted lunatics. I’m very sorry I expected it, especially in your neighborhood…but my experience said it was highly likely sooner than later. Please take care and stay safe…which used to be hard here, and may be again in NYC. The police there, & in Ferguson, IMO, will take a step back, or two, because their job description (let alone their families’ expectations) does not include a duty to die….or be charged with a crime….in the ordinary course of their work. It happened here 1975-1985. A very similar case (but one officer not two) occurred in the White Castle parking lot, not far from our house, a few years ago.

I DO need my occasional "sliders" (a bag of a dozen) from time to time, so I am happy White Castle is close at hand. That "addiction" dates to my college daze...when hot food in a bag might be the only stuff I could afford.

Aridog said...

After listening the news over and over again, it occurs to me that I've laughed at London and Paris for their cities with whole swaths that the police no longer bother with due to anti-authority violence and behavior...mainly I chuckle because Detroit was like that at one time, and still has rough areas, but the police do patrol there. Detroit now has distinctly civil areas, but an understaffed police department (due to the size of the geography, not the very diminished population) so still struggles with response times. Private investors in the city stepped up and sponsored new police cars and fire equipment, so that is another improvement.

What is not funny to me is that normally I'd jump at a reason to visit NYC, or Chicago, for the food, arts, museums, theater...did I mention the food(?)...well yeah, a lot is all about the food, especially NYC. No longer the case...both cities are in states and municipalities that do not recognize reciprocity for my general concealed weapons permit and both appear to be cities heading backwards...starting to resemble the old Detroit...where the police just sat back and intervened seldom short of a "shots fired, officer down" call. Once we were a place with stop & frisk equivalents, but for a while due to the Mayors who disliked the police and ran for office on that basis...and now I see NYC has ceased the stop & frisk routine and has a mayor with animosity for the police, made it a political issue to boot, but no doubt demands stringent protection for him and his family. Old NYPD detective Deitl called him "Big Bird" I think...appropriate.

Post Giuliani and Bloomberg, who made positive improvements, under De Blasio NYC is turning in to Detroit writ larger once again...and ordinary citizens cannot carry any means but their fleet feet (if they even have them) for protection.

Based upon knowing at least 100 police officers in my life, I will guarantee you that the majority of police in NYC will now sit back and let New Yorkers stew in the fetid juice a small minority of assholes have made. This latest outrage is likely the last straw. I hope I am wrong, but doubt it...police are humans too, no one just wants to be a target or die for no reason.

It wasn't black on white, since per the most recent US Census categories, both of the assassinated officers were not "white"...just as my kid is not white due to being half, yes, I could be offended for that racial reason. BUT that is not the case...these murders were purely black jerk on uniforms & badges, period....not even a confrontation to blame it on. That is intolerable and is an indicator of coming anarchy. I heard a couple of speakers yesterday say De Blasio should resign immediately...and I agree, just as I would have for Detroit's Mayor Kilpatrick. It took a federal case to put him out...but I doubt ole Holder is up for that in NYC. But we know he won't resign. I wish y'all the best of luck under this violence fomenting & permitting would be funny if not so sad.

Venting rant over.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Based upon knowing at least 100 police officers in my life, I will guarantee you that the majority of police in NYC will now sit back and let New Yorkers stew in the fetid juice a small minority of assholes have made. This latest outrage is likely the last straw. I hope I am wrong, but doubt it...police are humans too, no one just wants to be a target or die for no reason

@ Ari

Our best friend is a retired Highway Patrol...LA Motorcycles. Other good friends here are retired patrol,police and sheriffs also from the CA urban areas. Quite a few compared to the population size. They must really like our rural relaxed environment....and I must admit we like their armed and experienced presence.

All of the above, with no exception, expressed the same as you. The Blue Flu will be an epidemic and that the law abiding citizens need to watch out for themselves. The cops are there to help....not to be sacrificed or treated as cannon fodder. They are brave....not stupid.

As to response time. The other day, a property belonging to one of my husband's absentee clients had the silent alarm go off. We get a call notifying us that the police have been 5am. So....Dumbplumber gets up and goes to unlock the iron gate, so the cops can get in and drive to the house instead of having to walk half a mile. IN the meantime I call the alarm company so that they can know what vehicle he is in and they won't think that he is the robber.

They inform me that they called the deputy at home and he had to get dressed he was still in bed ALSO at 5am. No one is actually on patrol in our area.

Hubby doesn't go into the house, since he is not about to be a first responder, but waits for the cops. 6am no one there. Screw his...comes home.

We have coffee and some breakfast and at 7am the cop calls because he has no idea how to get to the house. We give him directions and Dumbplumber goes out to meet him and show him the way from the intersection at the bridge where the old gas station is and past the cinder pit. So at 7:30 they meet and determine that nothing seems to be broken into, this time. False alarm.

The deputy had to drive over 75 miles to get to the location. Fortunately, he didn't hit a deer or snow pack as it has been rather warm lately. Really nice young guy. Hubby gave him some of the coffee cake we were having so he would have something to snack on during his hour and half drive back home on a road that has absolutely nothing on it other than trees and a few forest service potty stops.

Response time 2 1/2 hours.

Wonder why we are all armed and don't give a rip about the government shut downs?

ndspinelli said...

NYPD need to walk. Let De Blasio, Sharpton, et al keep NYC safe.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I worry you waited too long to move.

Trooper York said...

I can't move. I signed a five year lease extension.

Listen I have been through this before. You just have to hunker down and watch your back.

Shouting Thomas said...

Crack has voiced his approval of the cop killings.

They're slave catchers.

Neither of the cops were white.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, you stay safe.

Trooper York said...

I am not worried. They have to get past my wife to get to me. That's not happening. Just sayn'

Aridog said...

Trooper...I am happy that you are not afraid. Hopefully you will not be dragged so far backwards that you won't encounter tanks on medians machine gunning snipers from rooftops and apartment windows...on you way to work or going about your daily business otherwise. I did experience that in Detroit in 1967, on West Grand Blvd in mid-town...stopped a light and was as bit disconcerted by the level of gunfire, when the tank was right next to my car.

Many of us here had to go to work, and night school, in the middle of the conflagration. It made no sense to us, and achieved nothing but eventually to drive anyone who could to leave the city for the suburbs, blacks included. Today, to their credit, the remaining 85% population of black people have stopped voting for loud mouths who run on identity politics and racial provocation. It only took us near 35 years to get there.

Aridog said...

Oh, I forgot to add that the mayor at that time (Cavanaugh) said nothing meaningful and the police stood back when the initial disturbance occurred. Next up was a city in flames that glowed bright enough to be seen clearly 30 miles away. Your De Blasio is similar...which is why I make the comparisons I do. Another similarity...when the police, plus the National Guard and the 101st Airborne from Fort Campbell, had to really take action they were promptly blamed for the mess by the usual race hustlers.

Steg said...

I posted this video on my facebook, and started a great discussion. Sort of. My (mostly millenial) friends have told me FOX lies edited the video, but it was a link to an individuals user account. I spent yesterday trying to verify the video (taking place in twilight on E 32nd street in front of IchiUmi restaurant), and could not find footage on the ground. As it stands, nobody can disprove the video.

Anyone hear anything else about this?