Sunday, December 21, 2014

The song remains the same......different day

There is nothing new under the sun. We have seen all this before.

In 1999 Amadou Diallo was shot dead by four policeman in a very unfortunate incident that was every bit as publicized and exploited as that of Michael Brown. Four undercover policemen tried to stop Mr. Diallo to question him in regard to the search for serial rapist. Mr. Diallo fled from the police most likely because of a language barrier and the fact that he was an illegal immigrant. Mr. Diallo ran into a vestibule where the house light was out and he was silhouetted by the hall light. He took out his wallet and one of the cops panicked and shouted gun. The cops fired 41 times and tragically Mr. Diallo died.

That tragedy was also gleefully exploited by many of the same bad actors that involved in the current attacks on the police. There were daily demonstrations at One Police Plaza and the usual collection of progressive demagogues such as Al Sharpton, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, David Dinkins, Basil Patterson. Harry Belafonte and the rest of the band were arrested daily and freed in ten minutes with a desk appearance ticket in a no cost day of outrage. Every day the outrage and hate was flamed and the police department was once again under siege. The officers were brought to trial by a multiracial jury in Albany and acquitted. They could not get a fair trial in NYC because of the racial inferno incited by these “activists.” Still a jury of their peers acquitted them. Not that it mattered to the racial arsonists and poverty pimps and the politicians who represent the criminal class.

The progressive left reveled in their protests at the time. But a few short years later something else happened. 911.

Suddenly cop and fireman hate was not fashionable. There was a rally at MSG to “support” the cops and fireman. Hillary Clinton came and was booed off the stage. Sarandon and Robbins and De Niro and bunch of others were told to take a walk. They wanted to pretend that they actually supported the uniform services and wanted accolades for their pretend concern. They were rightfully scorned and ignored.
You see you need to step up and speak up when the crowd is shouting against the law. When the pro criminal crowd was shouting “Kill the Police”….that was the time for De Blasio and Obama and Holder to speak up. When hipster and libtard professors are blocking traffic so ambulance can’t get through and people die…well that is the time to say something. When the protestors where fighting and beating those two police lieutenants on the bridge. When that college professor was throwing a garbage can into ongoing traffic. Not now. It is too late.

Obama and De Blasio will never say “That could have been my son” about these cops. Because you know that their children or the children of any of the professors or journalists or pundits will ever be cops or fireman or soldiers. Cops and fireman come from the working class.  Contrary to Obama and Holder and Sharpton and De Blasio they are not all racist white guys from Long Island. They are Spanish and Asian like the two cops who died. They are black like the sergeant who was in charge when Garner died. Working class men and woman with families who put their bodies between you and the criminal class like Michael Brown.

Those are the people who they hate. Those are the people who they want dead. Those are the people that they scorn. These murders are directly due to their actions. To hateful rhetoric and political posturing. They have blood on their hands.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Can I post some of this? You say it quite well.

Trooper York said...


I also posted it at Turley's where I am being called a pisher and a troll.

Michael Haz said...

Good job at Turley's, Trooper. Some libs have bailed out of that conversation, since facts are tricky things.

I was going to veer into "how many people are killed by nurses" but the timing isn't right.


Michael Haz said...

Have you seen this video of the scene?

Trooper York said...

I had to hold up our end as Nick is on a stake out.

Or is it a steak out?

Trooper York said...

I posted the video.

You will only hear crickets from the libtards.

Trooper York said...

The can not argue with the facts.

So they run away like the little bitches that they are.

Michael Haz said...

I think Nick said he went for take out.

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ndspinelli said...

Haz and Trooper, JT deleted a comment where I merely advised you guys to ignore the trollish zedalis. I would appreciate a comment saying you guy appreciate my advice and I have helped youse guys avoid some toxic conversations, since you do not know most folks there yet.

ndspinelli said...

NEVER MIND. Just had an email exchange. Inga complained to him. But, I pointed out it was about zedalis. He apologized and offered to take his comment down. I told him to forget it. She has JT jump. He is a protector of women, even evil, manipulative bitches.

Michael Haz said...

Who appointed Inga hall monitor over at Turley's?

She seems to believe that she speaks for him on nearly everything.

Trooper York said...

That's her MO.

She did the same thing with the evil blogger lady.

And she won.

No I take that back. We won. We don't go there anymore.

That's a win for us for sure.i

Michael Haz said...

I've been reading Legal Insurrection for a few weeks and think it may be time to migrate.

Trooper York said...

That is a great blog but not much of a comment section.

Michael Haz said...

Yes. It's a mostly blank slate. I see that as a plus.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

LI is a great site. And a short comment section is actually a plus sometimes.

ndspinelli said...

The cop post this morning @ Turley's will get nasty on the cop thread. I may steal Haz's murdering nurse line. And, I have to say, youse guys can whine like liberals sometime. Do you want an echo chamber? I sure as fuck don't. Take subtle digs @ Inga for chrissake. She is like shooting fish in a barrel. She HATES all us being there. I never say her name or respond directly, but I take shots and she bites. Youse guys have more leash than I do. I ran off several of Turley's weekend bloggers. He is pissed @ me.

Michael Haz said...


It's Christmas week. For my benefit, and for the benefit of those around me, I am closing the throttle on making angry posts at Turley's blog, and everywhere else.

Michael Haz said...

Plus, Milwaukee will have its own riots beginning today. Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm will announce at 10 AM today that he has found no cause to charge a Milwaukee police officer in the death of Dontre Hamilton. The National Guard has been put on notice for call-up.

I need to get one of my daughters out of her downtown office before the granola hits the fan.

Steg said...

Hello, everyone. I am new as of Today at Trooper York's place. Most of you probably don't know me, but I am glad to see some familiar faces!

I've read Turley's blog for five-ish years. Nick, you're a great guy and I'm glad you stuck around. There were good folks like Bron and 'Tootie' who used to fight the good fight but...

Anyone reading objectively can see what has happened. When Annie came it was an explosion. Not like an 'oh, I discovered something useful by accident!', but more like an 'I'm building a bomb as big as I can, and I don't know why' event.

I miss a lot of the opposing voices that moved to Elaine's FFS blog, I thought a lot of the stuff they came up with was great! I didn't agree with much of it, but they had some good arguments around. I try to read that sometimes, but I can't really stomach it... I guess that's how they feel about Turley's now.

WELL sorry for a long first post, but ya know.

Steg said...

Disclosure: My father was a NJ State Trooper, my mother is an almost retired nurse.

I tend to give the police the benefit of the doubt more often than not, and like Annie cries regularly- if everyone would just wait for the dust to settle and get the facts we would be so much better off.

Anyone else feel like typing a paragraph like the one above is a waste?

One of my buddies was in NYC within the past week, and there was a 'hands up, don't shoot' rally. I thought that was debunked? I have faith that the internet will finally be the medium to get the truth spread, but sometimes it feels hopeless.

We need that army of Davids, and hopefully those of us inclined to do something will keep on blogging. I myself, am a lazy POS when it comes to blogging. I am going to motivate myself more this year, and try to do some videos.

Video #1 is going to be my test of this experiment:

Now, to just not be so fckin lazy...
Sorry if that seemed to ramble, it's the hopeless/inspired feeling I get sometimes when I see the inundation of ignorance crush the levees of logic. I draw my hope when I can from the civilians who have taken over the reporting.

Thank yous.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I rarely go to Turley's but maybe I should.

Chip S. said...

I've been disappointed so far in the low quality of most of the lefties there.

Where the hell can you find a site w/ reasonably bright lefties who don't insist on cocooning themselves?

Ha ha, j/k. What I meant to ask was, where are the skittle-shitting unicorns?

ndspinelli said...

Chip. I read many blogs. The most you can hope for vis a vis intelligent liberals is ~5%.

ndspinelli said...

Steg, Thanks. Comment here more often. Have you commented @ Lem's Levity?

Chip S. said...

Hey nick, the oddest IT glitch happened to me today at Turley's. I posted a critique of rafferty's dumb post on bankers, and it was held in limbo juuuust long enough to not be listed under "new comments". Coincidentally, the "new comment" that was the one that bumped off the list was by "rafflaw".


Trooper York said...

I just gave Turley a shot. I hope he has a sense of humor.

Chip S. said...

I"m guessing no on that.

Trooper York said...

Let's see.

ndspinelli said...

I have taken hard shots @ Turley as have others. Never has he deleted one of those. Never. He protects Inga, but he has a thick skin. ChipS, the moderation is automatic for key words or too many links. If you ever have a question, reach out to Darren. He's the IT guy. Rafflaw is dumber than a box of fucking rocks.

Steg said...

Hey Nick, never been to Lem's. Turley is a good man, which is why he drew so many to his place. He has a real desire for the truth to out, and this hurts his rep amongst statists.

Aridog said...

Haz...good luck at Legal Insurrection. I am effectively banned there...e.g.,I cannot post. Nor do I want to. Not for any bad prior posts, but because I finally objected to so many comments going to the Spam pile (after I had just had 4 go there in quick succession) when they came from a paid subscriber like I was at the time. We had a heated exchange via email. It wasn't just me either. He apparently could not see the oddity of his paid membership having ordinary comments dumped in to the Spam pile short no Db connection between his subscribers and the comments. No idea here if he has fixed it or not. I wish him no bad luck, but I'm no longer interested either.

Aridog said...

Haz...let me say it another way, LI is an amateur site. A hack operation. There is no Darren there and the young woman he'd planned to hire, as an administrator, was stricken with a stroke, sadly. To my knowledge he has not remedied any of the issues cited by several of us. I spoke up and was banned.