Friday, December 5, 2014

Marilyn's Diary

Uncle Herman was very refined for a seven food tall green living dead construct of a insane German scientist. He was a count in the old country. Also a duke, a butcher, a baker and a candlestick maker. They all provided some spare parts.

His refinement was so obvious that he often got stand in or bit parts in Hollywood movies and TV shows. Even after he left us he still continued his career.

This season he will appear on Downton Abbey in the wedding scene with George Clooney. He will be the Dowager Countess partner at the wedding. She is very impressed that he could balance her in the air in her chair using only his penis.

Uncle Herman had a very powerful penis.

I miss my Uncle Herman.

1 comment:

chickelit said...

Curvature could explain the facials.