Sunday, December 28, 2014

On the road again.............

The drive down was a little tough. It was twenty hours straight in the car. We stopped first in a Denny's in Virgina for dinner at about 8pm on Christmas Day. It is quite an experience to be in a diner on Christmas Day.

It took longer to get our meal than to drive from New York to Virgina. The great thing about driving on Christmas Day is that there is no traffic. At all.

But there seemed to be bit tie up in the kitchen in Dennys.


chickelit said...

It took longer to get our meal than to drive from New York to Virgina.

What does a man with so refined a gastronomy as yourself order in a Denny's?

Trooper York said...

Moon over my Hammmy!

I mean I am on vacation.

chickelit said...

I was a fussy eater as a wee lad. I hated every food that kids usually like -- hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, etc.

The one thing I would eat was a plain fishwich. But it had to to be plain without any tarter sauce. Of course most fast food places make everything up in advance and I could tell when they tried to scrape the stuff off and serve it up as "plain." So we usually had to sit around and wait while the cooks made a fresh one just for me because family orders go out together or not at all.

Yes, I was a fussy eater too once, just like Spinelli is today.

ndspinelli said...

You can count the things I won't eat on a leper's hand. Fussy eaters was not an option in the house where I was raised. It has now become "cool" to be a fussy eater. Fussy eaters are shitty lovers.

blake said...

I had a Moon Over My Hammy once.


chickelit said...

Didn't we have a discussion here once at TY about the manliness of this shirt's color? Some thought it was pink and questioned Wayne's orientation, IIRC.

chickelit said...

I know -- it was Troop posing next to a wax figure of The Duke at some gay museum. Maybe Troop remembers when he posted that. I find searching TY archives almost impossible.

chickelit said...

Searching TY has gotten a little easier because he's slowed down some. But in its heyday, it was like posting on Snatchap -- things just disappeared.

chickelit said...

ndspinelli said...
Fussy eaters are shitty lovers.

I was a shitty lover as a child.


ricpic said...

I'll bet you clog up for days after eating that Moon over my Hammy sandwich. That's the problem with road food. You go from moving to hardly moving to dead stop in two days. Basically when you go on the road you can - and do!- kiss peristalsis goodbye.

Michael Haz said...


And you, a gastrognome!

Trooper York said...

Don't listen to Spinelli. I am a world traveler.

We even went to the International House of Pancakes!