Fiver: There's something very queer about the warren this evening
Hazel: Is it dangerous?
Fiver: It's not exactly danger, it's... oh, I don't know. Something oppressive... like thunder.
Bigwig: I know what it is. The lady in the cottage has some house guests.
Hazel: Who are they? Are they anyone famous? I love it when she has celebrities visit. Like that nice Justin Guarini. He has a haircut like a hedge row. You could hide in there all day.
Bigwig: It seems to be an elderly lady with her daughter. At least I think it is her daughter. I mean she has titties like a lady but she stands up to pee in the garden even though she doesn’t have a hose like the farmer. She just grabs her bottom and points it but it goes all over the place. That why she was so mad.
Fiver: I thought I heard her yelling before. Wasn’t she screaming “I need a dick” at the top of her lungs.
Bigwig: No that was the lady in the other cottage. This one was screaming that she wanted to grow a dick.
Hazel: Can you even do that?
Bigwig: I don’t know. But her mother would probably know. She seems to have had a lot of operations so she must know what the doctors can do.
Hazel: That’s terrible. That sounds just like the lady in the first garden where the old warren was set up. She had a lot of operations too. Do you think they are related?
Bigwig: No I don’t think so. And I don’t think that other lady had a lot of operations.
Fiver: I thought I heard she had a frontal lobotomy.
Bigwig: No I think she just wanted a bottle in front of me.
Hazel: Well that makes all the difference. So do you think they will sew on a new dick for that person?
Bigwig: I don’t know. They have been drinking all day and they just started singing.
Fiver: Really what are they singing?
Bigwig: Walk like A Man.
Hazel: Oh let’s go listen. I love the Four Seasons.
After this she wont be a lesbian anymore, she'll be a regular straight guy.
Hmm, I wonder if Chastity will change his name too? It is kind of girly-sounding name.
"Chaz" will be the way one refers to the person formerly known as Chastity.
Wonder if Palminteri will be upset.
So...what's new?
On the plus side, Chaz can now move to Iowa and marry her/himself.
Although the divorce would be a real pisser.
Either way, fish tacos remain on the menu.
Good luck there, Chaz. (lol, RAA)
I adored Sonny Bono. What a cutie.
Palmentari is furious! He "owns" Chaz.
Ya know, I looked at that first picture and said to myself that that women almost looks like Cher, but who is the dude?
Well. now I know.
I guess I should be relieved that we will not be blessed with any of Sonny Bono's grandchildren?
Chaz found the one way to out-freak his/her mother. There's no way Cher can top that.
I understand the operation is called an addidictomy.
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