So the kids rescued this dog from a shelter. Of course they didn't get a real dog, they got a frou frou puppy. It is a Chinese Crusted or Chinese Crested or some shit like that. It looks like a rat with long hair.
Anyway the puppy was abused so it hates men. It barks and barks when you first meet it. Now it sort of got used to me but if I make a move it starts to bark. I tried to win it over by slipping it some food. Since I am doing all the cooking when I walk into the kitchen it gets all excited and starts to run around in a circle. Like Governor Sanford when he smells a Argentine. Anyway once I feed it then he starts to bark again. But that's not worst of it.
Now it stares at me all day long. Like Eddie did to Frazier when he moved to Seattle. It is a pain in the ass. He sits there and stares at me. WTF!
I feel your pain about the mutt, but is anything more painful than listening to Tim McCarver do a ball game?
You gonna go see Los Marlinos and the Bucos at Joe Robbie? How long are you in town?
You must wheesper to the dog so eet knows you are da pack leederr.
And the dog, eet weel say, "I cannot hear you, because you are wheespering," and den you weel haff won!
I am leaving on Sunday, but the next time I am in town we have to arrange to meet for a few drinks.
I'll bet we can come up with a recipe that's befitting that sissy canine. I'm thinking something either sweet and sour or maybe Worcestershire and garlic.
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