So we had a very busy day yesterday. That always happens when it is the two of working because she is busy fitting people in clothes and I am running around doing everything else. Ringing people up, getting sizes from the back, keeping the husbands amused so they don't want to split before the wife buys something.
Anyway yesterday a neighborhood girl who is a customer who we haven't seen in a while comes in to shop with her sister and her sister-in-law. Now the sister-in-law had her eight week old infant with her in the carriage. I am always worried when there are kids in the store because we are definitely not child proof. We have lots of sharp edges and glass and delicate stuff all over the place that a rambunctious toddler would love to break. But an infant like that wouldn't be a problem right? Not so much.
While our customer is trying on clothes the sister-in-law sees that the kid had just taken a shit and she asked if you could change the diaper. So the wife says sure I guess. I mean what are you gonna do, what the fuck they literally live across the street but I guess she wanted to take care of it right away. So she whips out the changing pad and puts it on the floor to change the little bastard. Now you think she would just change her in the carriage which was a big monstrous SUV of carriages and not the Sacajawea strap that the hipster doufous use to carry their devil spawn like they were a sack of potatoes. I mean there was plenty of room to do it in the carriage but she decides to put the kid on a changing pad on the floor.
As she is changing the kid it lets out a stream of flying diarrhea. Shit was flying all over the place. It was like a comments section at the blogger lady's place. It gets on the floor, the wall and the dress on the mannequin that was right near where she was changing the raging ball of crap. She tries to clean it up with a wipe to get by if no one had seen it happen. But one of the other customers told the wife and well she was about to lose her shit don't you know. I mean she should have changed the kid in the carriage but I guess she didn't want to get it dirty but my wall, floor, ceiling, fixtures and clothing were perfectly acceptable collateral damage. The wife grabbed the dress off the manikin and brought it to me in the back to ask what we should do about it. While she was doing it the sister-in-law makes her escape out the door without a qualm.
I say what I always say. Tell the truth. Let's talk to our real customer who is blithely trying on clothes all the while oblivious to all this drama. And because she is a typical customer she did the right thing.
She says "Well of course I am going to pay for it. Don't worry my fucking idiot brother is going to pay for it." So that was fine as far as it goes. But there was a catch. We thought about offering this girl a job because she is plus with a great personality and I think she could develop into a great saleswoman. But after this it is a no go. You see her family would be showing up everyday and disaster will follow in it's wake. I mean what am I going to do? Say your family can't visit you in the store ever? I don't want her retarded boyfriend dropping off his hockey gear when he is playing in the park across the street. Dude you are thirty fuckin' years old it's time to stop playing street hockey in Carroll Park and get a fuckin job.
It's just not a workable solution in a neighborhood store. So she lost out on a potentially good opportunity because of a shit spewing niece.
LOL. Sorry. I know this must be aggravating, but it's hilarious.
Hey shit happens.
I see you've created a new tag. Expecting more?
As she is changing the kid it lets out a stream of flying diarrhea. Shit was flying all over the place. It was like a comments section at the blogger lady's place.
I had to take a break after this sentence because I was laughing so hard. I damn near shit myself.
I nominate this as the best Trooper post of the year. I mean it was a shitty thing that happened to you but damn that was funny.
Apparently you can laugh about this incident already Trooper, based on the way you wrote it up.
But still, what a mess!
You have to laugh. Something like this happens pretty much everyday. I never cry in my beer.
I cry in my milk but that is because I am drinking milk.
The funny thing about the whole mess is the girl looked great in the dress.
Or least she will once she washes the shit off of it.
Children should be seen and not heard.
Especailly hearing them spewing shit out like a wailing pez dispenser.
That is one hell of a story
No matter how big the stroller is, it's going to be awkward for changing a poopy diaper, particularly for a girl.
So, I get that. But I'll bet the store is crowded enough where the floor isn't much better.
I really don't get taking the baby with explosive diarrhea out at all. That's something you want to watch closely. Babies get dehydrated rapidly.
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