Friday, August 12, 2011

I hate it when we have to go back to work

We can't get back in work mode after spending such a relaxing time on vacation. We had no stress as we shut off the phones and the email and computers.

Well all the messages were there when we got back. Boy that sucks.

But at least we have the memories of how relaxed we were when we were out there relaxing.


ndspinelli said...

I like the shirt..very Magnumesque.

Trooper York said...

Much like my condoms.

edutcher said...

Know what you mean about going back to work.

We hated leaving WV.

And Mrs Troop looks great for the rest.

PS Your condoms have pictures of Tom Selleck on them?

chickelit said...

PS Your condoms have pictures of Tom Selleck on them?

No silly, they're Hawaiian print condoms--all foo-foo--for her pleasure.

Chuck said...

Welcome back. It took us five and half hours to get home.

Yeah, it sucks being back in high humidity. I am going to miss waking up to 58 degrees and the sun shining over the lake.

Peter V. Bella said...

Just think- you can do it again in a couple of weeks.

Trooper York said...

We are planning to do so.

We are trying to get the in-laws to come out there with us. My father in law is feeling poorly and this will be a lot of fun.

And my mother in law and the wife will have a lot of fun at the antique stores.

I hope we can get it to work.

Trooper York said...

I just wish that our friends Amy and Chuck could break away and come out there with us next month.

But it is so hard to work out our schedules.

Titus said...

I am so glad you have found a "spot" to relax.

So important.

Today I went to my parents cottage. I went fishing, road the paddle boat, shoveled gravel, went to a small vegetable stand and purchased amazing sweet corn on the cob and tomatoes and chased a rare clumber who was obsessed in getting in the lake.

Than we went for a drive and saw over 100 white tail deer. They were fucking beautiful. We saw many bucks that had at least 10 points. They were incredible. A magnificent animal. We also saw many fawns, still with all their spots. Beautiful. I fucking love White Tail Deer. And there is nothing better than when they run and that white tail flies. I also saw tons of Turkeys, with babies. And Sand Hill Cranes.

I got 10 Perch, 2 Walleye and 4 Bluegill fishing.

We had an amazing dinner.

Tits, Clouds, Hogs, Pinches, Loafs, Rare Clumbers, Life, Chakras, NOW, Present, Serenity, Water, Being.

Thank you so much, love you all.

Make today and every day NOW and Present.

Titus said...

drove not road the Paddle Boat.

Trooper York said...

That paddle boat sounds like a lot of fun.

Did you take your dad out for a ride?

It is really important to spend time with him now that he is feeling poorly.

I really respect and admire the fact that you are spending time with them now Titus. Keep us informed about them.

I will remember them in my prayers.

Titus said...

Oh and on the deck at the cottage I was surrounded by hundreds of humming birds.

Fucking bliss.

Titus said...

I did go on the paddle boad with my dad.

He is doing ok.

One thing is does love doing though is going to the Casino. He loves betting on the horses. So we went to the Casino. He bets $2.00 on the fav horse to show. He does this twice. That is it. He generally wins between 10.00 and $20.00

He is frugal.

Titus said...


Palladian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TTBurnett said...

A decent and thoughtful comment.

Then the author came to his senses and deleted it.

Sincerity is never a good idea in public.

TTBurnett said...

Speaking of being in public, I notice the EBL has put up another "Cafè" for the afternoon. Does this mean she's out and about again?

I suggested on her maybe-500-comment thread that better planning and camerawork might make the Althouse Solidarity Bumming Brigade safer and more effective. I hope she's taken a couple of good commenters' advice about the dynamics of the situation, and has thought her actions through carefully. I would hate to see any of them hurt and/or in jail.

That said, if she's out there again, it proves how much she's willing to risk and how much courage, foolhardy or not, she and her posse seem to have.

Trooper York said...

It's all a big joke till someone get's their eye put out.

Trooper York said...

It was a good comment and well meant and heart felt.

Sorry you decided to delete it.

But that is of course up to you.

TTBurnett said...

BTW, "Solidarity Bumming Brigade" comes from my experience at the University of California, starting in 1967.

Yes, I was a student then, and I was there. A couple of years later I was at UCSB where they burnt down a Bank of America branch, and a student was shot dead by a cop. I found myself trying to ride a Honda 350 through the middle of that particular fracas, tear gas canisters and flying bottles crashing around me. At least I had a helmet on.

And that wasn't courage. It was pure foolhardiness. It was actually all for Art. I got a number of what I thought were great, if now stereotypical, pictures of the burning bank, both at night and the aftermath next morning, as well as some streaky nighttime action shots. All taken with my Pentax Spotmatic on grainy Tri-X pushed to 1200. You know the sort. But, hey, I did it for Self-Expression.

Anyway, around this time, I found myself at a student strike co-ordinating meeting. I also found myself asking, Althouse-like, a few obvious and too-pointed questions. One of the hippie-dippie doofuses running the show turned to me and said, "Hey, man, you're bumming our solidarity!"

I said, "Hey, I'm trying to get into grad school next quarter, and you're bumming my life!"

Then someone asked, "What are you studying? Some fucked-up thing like Physics?" Someone else said, "Naw. He looks like a Business Administration major."

I replied, "Well, if you must know, it's Musicology. You know, like Johannes Cicconia's use of prolation canons in early 3-part motets, or perhaps an analysis of intonation patterns of the Baroque flute and its relation to 6th-comma meantone tuning in late 17th century France, or maybe a transcription of and critical notes on Dibdin's "Harmonick Preceptor" for my Master's thesis."

The place fell completely silent. I walked out. The Poll-Sci and Sociology majors had come face-to-face with and honest-to-God Student trying to learn something.

There were actually quite a few of us, mostly studying things like Physics or Chemistry, with the oddball Humanities type such as myself, while the rest of the spoiled doofus brats from comfortable post-War California suburbia were squandering their parents' and the taxpayers' money pretending to study the Social "Sciences," stoned 6 days a week, drunk 2, and giving each other crabs and herpes in their ample free time.

Fast forward all these years. Althouse and I are old. But one of us, at least, is in a position to continue to bum solidarity.

Right on, Sister!

chickelit said...

Crap, I missed all the drama. Somebody please email me the gist or I swear I'll flounce away.

TTBurnett said...

The drama's mostly at the EBL's place. Nothing too big around here, just a well-known EBL commenter saying something kind and thoughtful in relation to Titus. Then he thought better of it. Nothing special, but it did prompt me to ruminate about the doings in EBL-land and my own particular history.

TTBurnett said...

I really should find a better epithet than "doofus." I really dislike "douchebag' for its obvious sexism and one-dimensional quality. Anyway, if my style suffers from too many "doofuses" in the above, consider how many I actually had to put up with back in the day.

chickelit said...

Oh, I thought you guys were referring to the deleted comment here at 12:50 which I didn't see.

chickelit said...

I use doofus all the time. I never use douchebag.

TTBurnett said...

OTOH, here is something from Urim in ancient Sumer, around 2500 BC:

Instructions of Šuruppag to his Son Zi-ud-sura:

In those days, in those far remote days, in those nights, in those faraway nights, in those years, in those far remote years, at that time the wise one who knew how to speak in elaborate words lived in the Land [Sumer]....My son, let me give you instructions: you should pay attention! Zi-ud-sura, let me speak a word to you: you should pay attention! Do not neglect my instructions! Do not transgress the words I speak! The instructions of an old man are precious; you should comply with them!

...You should not loiter about where there is a quarrel; you should not let the quarrel make you a witness... You should not cause a quarrel...Stand aside from a quarrel.

Ancient wisdom.

chickelit said...

...You should not loiter about where there is a quarrel; you should not let the quarrel make you a witness... You should not cause a quarrel...Stand aside from a quarrel.

Change all those "quarrels" to "squirrels" and that quote could fly at EBLs.

Did you get all that Sumerian wisdom from Amba's place? She's got a cool post and link up on that right now.

And speaking quarrels...have you seen Ron's new blog?

TTBurnett said...

Yes, the Sumerian stuff is up on amba's blog, but, oddly enough, I found it independently. It came up thru a series of links from Gawker, IIRC.

TTBurnett said...

And yes, I just looked into Ron's new blog. Interesting thesis, interesting topic. Nice presentation and good writing. But, oh boy, what a can of worms! I think his topic is just too close to the bone for many people to be able to contribute positively to it. Talk about bumming. I wish it was only solidarity!

Palladian said...

Actually I deleted my comment because, in retrospect, it contained a bit more personal information about my family than I felt comfortable revealing.

The sentiment (cherish your family while you have them), which was expressed by others, remains.

But go ahead and cast every thing I do in a completely negative light, it seems somehow cathartic for you to do so.

TTBurnett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TTBurnett said...

Who's casting it in a negative light? Ironic, maybe, by saying "Sincerity is never a good idea in public."

But ain't that the truth?

Trooper and I obviously thought the same thing—that the comment was one of the best and a shame to lose. But each person on the internet has to choose how much he or she wants to reveal.

You never know about the crazies out there.

Trooper York said...

I thought the comment was fine but it is of course your right to delete it.

I am sure your sentiments were appreciated.

Chennaul said...

Gawd the wife is gorge here.

Who can wear a long dress and make it look like that?

She's got panache or something.


Oops! Just saw the rest of the thread.

Palladian I do the same thing all the time.

It's called being a realist.

Plus.....titus is a hater a lot of the time.

Who's to say he wouldn't use it against you next chance he got?

He came onto the scene as a hater, does a few namastes and then no one else remembers.

Don't think for one minute he wouldn't kick you in the weak spot.

Titus said...

Mad, that comment is devastating.

I am all about love and chakras and being in alignment.

Today, my wide second was impeccable.

My only regret, in Yoga class, is I am surrounded by a bunch of fish in Madison. And I can smell them. They smell like anchovies. No fucking men. And those women queef or Vart. Queefs and Varts are just nasty.

In Cambridge, Mass the place is full of men.

I believe in the East Coast they are more interested in finding "the essence within".

MamaM said...

Like varts
From his

chickelit said...

Madawaskan speaketh truth

Titus said...

Chick, I believe you need to get your old dick sucked off until it cums. Then you will be in a much better place.

Now let's all say Ummm.

MamaM said...

Fluffin' Queeve!

First the Fox
Then the Chick

No respecter of persons
A fluffin' queeve
Throws foul varts
At fur and feather alike.


chickelit said...

Rainbows and Unicorns

Captain Fellatio Hornblower,
The Order of the Bath,
or Barren von Hornblower?

MamaM said...

Sort of like Proteus the Shape Shifter, only different. When pressed, truth isn't spoken, but truer character is revealed.

Proteus took the forms of a lion, a serpent, a leopard, a pig, even of water or a tree.

From Hogs to Clouds, they're all there.

chickelit said...

Ode To Titusan Loads (to the tune of "Bringing in the Sheaves")

Posing with the queeves,
Posing with the queeves,
He shall come recumbent,
Posing with the queeves.

Pinching off the loaves,
Pinching off the loaves,
He shall come redolent,
Pinching off the loaves.

chickelit said...

Additional verse:

Sliding in the sheaths,
Sliding in the sheaths,
He shall come refraining,
Sliding in the sheaths.