Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Where the Duck are you?

We stopped by a duck farm on our way to pick up lunch today. Thousands of duck quacking and crapping and running around. It was quite a sight.

Then we went into Riverhead to this old school Polish Deli and got some great stuffed cabbage, perogies, meatballs, kielbasa and other goodies. We brought them back to the B&B and had a great lunch.

By the way when you get a bunch of ducks in one place it really smells bad. Just sayn'


chickelit said...

Perhaps you could interest both Jeannie and Lawrence Block in some Duck l'Orange at shay twa.

Chuck said...

That quacks me up!

ricpic said...

I don't know where else ducks are raised but I remember Long Island Duckling from when I was a kid. For some reason it was always duckling not duck when paired with Long Island. And that is the full extent of my duckspertise.

chickelit said...

I remember getting this book for Christmas one year.

ndspinelli said...

Pollacks make duck blood soup and believe me, it doesn't look, smell or taste like tomato soup. They also make blood sausage.

Most of the folks in my hometown were Pollacks. They would all give up booze for lent. We would visit family friends Easter morning for breakfast after Mass and everyone would be shitfaced..lent ends midnight Easter morning!!

blake said...

Pollacks? We have some very good family friends who are Pollacks. I think they were Polnishevsky when they came to Ellis Island.

The Dude said...

A friend raises ducks and I buy the eggs - they are huge and good. I cannot recommend them highly enough.

Titus said...

Nice to see they are "cage free".

TTBurnett said...

I found this about necrophiliac gay ducks.

A little something for everybody.

Nichevo said...

No shit, Troop. Where did you go for the ducks? We go out to Orient all the time but the duck place we knew had closed. SRSLY please lmk where.

BTW FYI for whoever cares, the racial slur spelled correctly is "Polacks."

Trooper York said...

You wouldn't believe how long it took to get them all in a row.

ndspinelli said...

Niechevo, Firstly Pollacks are not a race, and secondly I have seen this ETHNIC "slur" spelled both ways. It's only a slur if said maliciously. I have been to many Pollack, Dago, Mick, etc. weddings and funerals of family and friends. I am Dago and Mick. And, I can almost always tell when the term is used as a slur or as a term of endearment.

My old man's best man @ his wedding was a Pollack. Finally, some of my best friends are Nichevos

Nichevo said...

Yeah yeah nd, I meant no 'harm' and was nopt being picky re race vs ethnicity. guess i have to choose my words more carefully. pretty sure its polack though. but whatever.

nd, i thought you were a cop or something. why can't you have a gun (you mentioned this on the baseball bat thread over at EBL)?

blake said...

I always thought it was "polock" but apparently "polack" is the preferred spelling.

"Nichevo"? Is that a slur for Russians?

I think, generally, by the time people make it out this far west, they're just Americans.

ndspinelli said...

Nichevo, This is ball busting central and I take as well as I give.

I'm a retired[actually semi-retired] PI. Living in the People's Republic of Wisconsin I cannot carry a concealed weapon. That, of course, is about to change.

Nichevo said...

not that it's important. what i would like to know is the oure for ducks on the north fork. anyone? bueller? garage??? ;>

Nichevo said...


Nichevo said...

To Cedarford I'm a Yid. To downtownlad I'm a breeder. To Cracky I'm whitey ;>. And yeah, some Polack and Russki and such in there.

In other words, American, as you say.

ndspinelli said...

Nichevo, Since you're apparently of Eastern European Jewish lineage may I suggest a good book called Supermob. It's written by Gus Russo and chronicles the little known story of Sidney Korshak and other Russian Jews in Chicago who became attorneys for the mob. Korshak basically ran Hollywood for decades.

jungatheart said...


Peter V. Bella said...

Did they give a demonstration on how to make that culinary delight Fois Gras? Were you able to score sum?

Meade said...

Make Way For Ducklings. Great kids' book.

(or has this already been mentioned?)

Nichevo said...

ok ok i don't grok the gratuitous ball busting but then you people like reality shows (upon reflection i guess the cooking shows, which i love, are no better) and titus loaves. still, it's like ranking me out in swahili or serbo-croat.

so bust away but where is the duck farm?

as titus would say,

thank you

Titus said...

Make Way For Ducklings are in bronze at The Boston Garden.

I have a picture of me mounting the mother. It is so cute.

Oh Boston.


gerry said...

stuffed cabbage, perogies

Mmmmmmm. I can't get perogies where I live. And Cleveland is 6 hours away!