Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Blake hates commercials!

Blake was discussing how he hates how loud the commercials are on TV as the movies and series seem muted and then the commercial is blasting. That is a real bummer and the only way to avoid it is to use the DVR to record stuff in advance and zip past the commercials. That's what we do. The only limit is the amount you can record, because you start staving stuff and you end up running out of space.


dbp said...

Loud commercials are okay, as you point out--you can fast forward through them.

What bothers me are movies where the music part of the soundtrack is much, much louder than the dialog. You have to constantly dial down the sound when there is music and then crank it up during dialog.

blake said...

Yes, precisely!

Troop, the beauty of a home-brew DVR is that you can add disk space whenever you like....