Friday, July 18, 2008

Welcome back Titus!

Hey Titus is back posting after a little holiday in P-town and the cape. It's great to hear from him. He has been missed. A blog is just not fabulous if Titus isn't around. Hope his search for hog has found him happy and healthy.


Titusdrumandbuglecorps said...

Thanks so much for the welcome back Troop.

Ptown is the Cape-gee always having to educate the breeders. It is at the very end of the cape-where the country ends. Home to Andrew Sullivan, Michel Cunningham and John Waters for the summer-I saw all of them. Sullivan's dogs aren't fabulous. Also was summer home to Truman Capote, Tennessee Williams, John Steinbeck, Marlon Brando, Alan Ginsburg-and many of those other hippie fags back in the 60's.

It used to be very bohemian but now of course it has become very expensive and full of power lesbians.

Paul Zachary Sire Rhoda Taylor who? Don't care.

Titusdrumandbuglecorps said...

It's my birthday tomorrow.

blake said...

Hey, Happy Birthday, Titus!