Monday, July 28, 2008

Blogging every day can be a chore.

You know it is tough to come up with topics to blog about every day. I don't want to do the usual political bullshit because you can find that everywhere. My politics are simple. If the Duke was for it, then it's good enough for me. But you get beat over the head with it by the uber nerds and the shouting douche bags on TV. Sometimes you just have to tune it out. Let's pick it up again after Labor Day.


blake said...

I told you so!

Politics is actually more interesting in between the elections. And it's way more interesting historically. People get too wrapped up in "their side" so they can't give an inch.

knox said...

so much easier to just comment! : )

knox said...

Seriously, I've never blogged because so much of it for me is the give-and-take of the comments. I am mostly a stay-at-home-mom--and I freelance from home--and I'm not a "Mom's group" type gal--so there are days when the nets are my adult entertainment (that came out wrong) til my husband gets home. When you blog, you're just in a vacuum until you start getting readers who comment. So for now at least, blogging would not accomplish anything for me. But I admire the discipline.

That's why go to Althouse everyday, it's the best commenters, hands-down. I did leave for about 6 months when she had that whole kerfuffle with the libertarians, basically saying they are racist by default unless they prove otherwise to her satisfaction. That pissed me off big time and I deserted. But then was drawn back in because I missed everyone else!

blake said...

Back in the old days, we had forums. People would gather for one arbitrary reason, build a community, and it would go from there. It was less fragile because it wasn't usually about one particular person.

But people seem to find the blogging format more approachable, so....

Trooper York said...

The question is picking out the topics. If I blog about what interest me, it will be about sports and the sci-fi book I just read and stuff going on in the store. But I think you also have to do things to bring an audience. My favorite thing to do is of course the little vignettes like the Derek Jeter/ARod or the Amy Winehouse garden series are what I find the most fun. But I need more time to do those, and I have been so busy that I only have time for quick hits.