Well I have been here one day and I already got a monster sunburn. The wife and the kiddees wanted to go to the beach. Now I am much more of a cool dark bar kind of guy. I have that pasty white Irish skin which is well suited for bogs and forests not the beach.
Now I normally bring 75 sunblock and slather it all over my body like I was buttering myself up to be baked. Which I am so to speak. But they had this new spray stuff to use and they swore it was just as good as the creme. Not so much.
Anyway I have slathered myself in aloe cream so I am ok. I am going to self medicate at dinner and I soon will be feeling no pain.
But don't think I forgot you guys. On our way to the beach we stopped at an alligator farm and I got you all a baby alligator. Just like my Uncle V did for me in 1965, Just email me your address so I can send one off to you. Just remember, when you get tired of it don't flush it down the sewer. We don't want anymore alligators in the sewers if we can help it.
Florida sucks!
Hey, that's an idea for a poll: Favorite State!
(1) New York
(2) California
(3) Florida
(4) Massachusetts
(5) Other
Alternatively, and riffing Ron: "your favorite chicken" poll:
Stay out of the sun!
You're on the right track for a vacation with the relatives. the trick is to get a bad sunburn on day one, then spend the following days in the comfort of a dark and air-conditioned pub quaffing regenerative pints of Guinness.
And avoid any venue that relates or mice or 'gators.
Send it to Meade and Althouse as a wedding gift. Have a good time. Don't drink too little. Send back some pics of gratuitous beach scenes.
Send it to Meade and Althouse as a wedding gift.
They'd never have to worry about coyotes again!
I got one of those in about 1971. I got back from a vacation and the water had evaporated from its aquarium and it was 3/4 dead. I quickly added a lot of water, causing explosive rehydration. That took care of that pesky 1/4 live bit.
Hit the beack early and late, stay in side from 11 to 3. Drink a lot at lunch. Like I need to remind you of that?
Peace brother, have fun.
I empathize with you Trooper. I have to wear sunblock when I watch reruns of Hawaii 50 on the TV.
Good one AJ!
I used to get real tan. Mexican looking tan. Back when I could fish and play golf more, people at Mexican restaurants would speak to me in Spanish!
Now I am just a tanless white guy. Maybe if I ever get to retire I can go Mexican again.
You can go Mexican in Troop's poll, Trey. Spray on some tan and eat up! It's much cheaper than retiring.
Nice to hear from you, Troop. How was the ride down there?
Listen, about my alligator? How about you and Lisa just dump it into one of the canals when you're down there. I like to see my animals in their natural habitat.
Speaking of which...when are you coming home?
I know, I know, Florida sucks. Except for the fact we ain't broke, or 58 degrees and rainy on 05 June. Or 1.5 hr airport delays daily, or state income taxed, or city, or township earned income taxed.
Y'alls definition of sucks is slightly different than mine.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I do agree the Marlins and Panthers suck.
Trooper, you strike me as a Key West kind of guy. Live music, everywhere; bars around every corner; bocci ball courts; vigorous retail community; festive nudity upon occasion. What's not to love?
After reading the last two posts, Florida sounds a lot less sucky, especially in Key West.
Love Key West, Hemingway, nice sea breeze and conch chowder.
Alligators in my bathtub
Tarantulas in my hair
Sand crabs in my coochee-coochee
I gotta get outta dere!
Where the hell is Victoria when we need her?
Where the hell is Victoria when we need her?
Victoria had a civilizing influence on the blogosphere that I very much miss. It's a wild west out there now.
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