Well I am back from my little mini-jaunt to Florida. It was only a couple of days but let me tell you I am a creature of habit and I don't like changes in my routine.
We went too the beach and as I have said previously, we had a sun block accident. Normally I slather myself with 75 sunblock until I am entirely covered like a turkey that was basted in butter. The wife always mocks me but I tell her I don't care because I don't want to look like a rock lobster.
Well the wife decided not to pack the sunblock because we were traveling light because we were only going for a couple of days. I mean she had four pairs of shoes but the little bottle of sunblock didn't fit. When we got the beach my granddaughter gave me the sunblock 70 spray which looks like that Pam spray you use to grease up a pan before you make eggs if you are a lazy bitch and don't want to melt butter. "It's great grandpa, just spray it on and you won't get sunburn." So I spray it on and try to rub it on the spots I didn't reach. Well we discovered later that because of the wind a lot of the spray just went out into the air and didn't do jack shit for me. So I have one area that's fine and other areas that are as red as Dennis Leary's face after a night of drinking.
Not quite as bad as the cutie in the photo but pretty bad. The worst is my ankles which for some reason are really burned. So it is torture to walk around and socks hurt like a sun of a bitch.
Thank God I am home safe in Brooklyn where the sun never shines too brightly. Now I am going for some panaele sandwiches and prosciutto balls for lunch. I deserve it. After being on safari.
Survivor, Fort Lauderdale.
Sunburn treatment tip from a person with fair Welsh/Irish skin.
1. Stay out of the sun. OK...that was silly and foolish.
The best thing to use AFTER you ignored #1 is to boil some very very very strong black tea. Let it cool and drape the sunburned, blistered raw skin with some gauze or soft cheese cloth drenched in the cooled tea. Let it stay on the area for awhile. Rinse and repeat.
Years ago, there used to be a product available over the counter called Amertan by Lily that contained tanic acid in a gel used for industrial strenght burns. Worked like a charm for blistered burns. I guess it worked to good so they removed it from the market. It is the tanic acid that does the trick.
I am actually using white wine vinegar which my grandmother taught me. It worked out pretty well.
Thanks for the tip.
I agree with your first tip. Stay out of the sun.
But the kids and the wife had a lot of fun in the water holding hands and jumping in the breaking waves.
I read my book on the beach and sweated. But it was worth it.
If you want to have some fun, take some pure niacin. (Not niacinamide.)
It might help, but first it'll probably hurt like a mofo.
Welcome back!!
Missed you.
And lol to the comments you left today.
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