It's time to go down to the Jersey Shore!
Where's Snooky and J-wow?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Streets of fire - Tonight is what it means to be young - music video
Whenever I feel old I put on the old eighties videos.
I feel old today.
A young black girl came in with her mom. She said to me "Mister you have a very bright pink face." Her mother was motified. I told not to worry about. "Always tell t he truth kid. I'm Irish that's why I have that red the wife just yelled at me."
From Streets of FIre.
And Jason said it wasn't a musical?
(Song by Jim Stienman, the dude who wrote all Meat Loafs Stuff)
David Carradine - Best Knife Fight Ever! - The Long Riders
One of my favorite scenes of all time.
David Carradine, Pamela Reed and the great James Remar.
Another Walter Hill Classic, "The Long Riders."
Streets of Fire
Great flick. One of my favorites.
Based on the John Ford Classic "The Searchers."
Directed by the great Walter Hill.
Battle of the Network Ta-Ta's
You would think that Adrienne would be able to "breast the tape a winner."
And how about that Howard Cosell.
The Sale is going crazy!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wait, I just don't see it.
Idol blogging coming soon.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Just hanging around!

Ben: This is boring.
Adam: I know, I could be doing Shakespeare.
Ben: Wait I thought Hoss was the one that was gay? Why would you want to do Shakespeare?
Adam: I have to get the hell out of here.
Hell needs a new PA Announcer!

Lucifer: Yeah we might as well. Who do we have in the last bus?
Forcas: Well we have quite a few Haitians my dread Lord.
Lucifer: Nah, I can’t get into that accent. Plus that voodoo shit creeps me out. They always calling on me for shit. I mean I am pretty fucking busy you know, enough with the Haitians. Who else ya got?
Forcas: Well Marilyn Monroe keeps asking for another shot. She wants to know who she has to blow to get out of hell.
Lucifer: She always was a dumb bitch. No wonder Joe D dumped her ass. Keep her in the wind tunnel trying to blow out that candle. That will fix her ass. Who else?
Forcas: Well we have noted thespian and famous pompous windbag Pernell Roberts.
Lucifer: Oh snap! Adam Cartwright is here? Cool. I have been waiting for him ever since he quit Bonanza. That was a one way ticket right here to the hot seat. He fucked with one of my favorite shows. Get his dumb ass in here.
Forcas: Right away Sire!
Pernell Roberts: What’s going on here? One minute I was walking to a bright light and met a man in a robe with a clipboard and the next thing I know a trap door opens and I am roasting my tootsies off. Don’t you know who I am?
Lucifer: Yeah. I know who you are. You are one of the stupidest actors who ever lived. You dumped a show beloved by millions that ran for twenty years after you quit for a career of Shakespeare in the round in dinner theatre and a short run as a Dr. Zorba clone in a rip off of Medical Center playing second fiddle to retard. That’s who you are douche bag.
Pernell Roberts: But I was a serious actor. I couldn’t prostitute my talent with the banal in the wasteland that was episodic television. I had to follow my muse. I was too good for a cowboy show.
Lucifer: Who the fuck do you think you are? David Caruso? You bore me. Take him away boys.
Forcas: Yes Sire. (Two burley demons grab Pernell Roberts and drag him away as he protests feebly that he is a serious actor)
Lucifer: What a maroon. I know. Send him to the playhouse and have him perform with John Barrymore, Gilbert Roland and Fatty Arbuckle.
Forcas: What will they be performing my Lord?
Lucifer: Oh. They will be reenacting season four of “The Facts of Life.” You know the one we used to send messages to our minions on Earth. Have him play Natalie. I think she was a thespian too. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Hee.
Thanks to all the girls at the DMV

I had to spend most of the day at the DMV as my registration was up and I had some complications.
Contrary to the stereotype, everyone was very nice and polite and helpful Strangely enough they were all plus size and will be needing nice dresses and stuff for upcoming graduations and weddings and stuff....funny how that worked out.
Anyway, I want to thank them for all of their help.
Monday, January 25, 2010
The Surpeme Court Just Passed another ruling.
Cher and Chastity are still out in front.

Hey Cher and Chastity are still out in front.
I thought Jason (the commenter) would bring up Chastity in the discussion of the dickectomy in that other joint but he didn't.
I guess ole Chastity is kinda not a good example. Or maybe she is. I don't know. Not that there's anything wrong with that. And any other cavaet you can think of so people won't be pissed off.
Cher was a hot piece of tuna if way too skinny for my tastes. I mean she ain't no
Congratulations to the Saints!

The wife and I watched as the New Orleans Saints won a thrilling overtime game. Congratulations to Tony and Beth and all the New Orleans Saints fans.
As we were watching the celebration, my wife turned and asked "Why does the Saints championship logo look like the Snapple label?"
Good question. Maybe because they are both so fruity.
Then she asked "Maybe Reggie Bush is going to drop Kim Kardashian for Wendy the Snapple lady."
Hey, stranger things have happened.
Like the Saints making it to the Super Bowl.
Let's Go Colts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
EWWWW DADDY! My eyes are up here!
KILL THE PIG!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
It's all good dude!
Now Frank and Nancy brought the creepy!
Cher and Chasity are pulling ahead, so to speak.
Catching up with American Idol.

Sorry I didn't give the recap earlier but I was real busy so I saved the TIVO of American Idol and Jersey Shore for when they had that Haiti thing on. So let's review the Tampa tryouts.
Most of the auditions were horrible. You know the one's they want to pimp are the ones with the little videos attached. I wonder if they film them after they get chosen to go to Hollywood. You have to figure that they almost have to do that so that makes most of them remarkably phony to say the least.
One of the first to get through is this big dude singing "Someone to Watch over Me."
His bullshit story it that his kid is autistic but he seem pretty normal in the clips. He gets through but I don't think he will last too long in Hollywood.
Oh the extra judge is Kristin Chenoweth and Kara has a big girl crush on her. She is remarkably talented and knows tons more about singing than any of the other judges but with all that she is very kind to the kids trying out. Just goes to show you, if you can do it you don't have to act like such a dick. It's the Buck Showalter syndrome. Buck never made it to the big show so he had to control everything and humiliate everybody. Now Joe Torre was an all-star for many years and won the MVP so he didn't sweat the small stuff. Something that twat Kara should look into.
The last contestant is this half a face girl who grew up with a half paralysed face. They put her through but there was no way she deserved it. I mean I felt the same way I do when I am watching Dick Clark on New Years Eve. Please you have to be kidding me. I think they figure it will be easier to drop her in Hollywood where she can get lost in the shuffle and it won't seem like they are being cruel.
The next day they had this crazy dude who couldn't sing for crap and they definitely filmed the preamble before because the cops had to haul his ass out in cuffs. I am surprised that didn't happen more often to tell you the truth. They should have arrested the first dude with the cape on general principles but what are you gonna do.
They had a former contestant from prior years with a smooth delivery of "Smile." He has a chance to get to the final 24 but it will remain to be seen what group he ends up with in Hollywood. That often determines if you are going to make it.
This maniac beat box guy who looks to be about forty got through on a plea bargain from Kara. Why anybody would listen to her is beyond me. Man they made a big, big mistake dumping Paula. A Jay Buner for Ken Phelps level mistake.
Finally they had this big country dude with a cowboy hat whose sad story is that he went to jail when he was fifteen for robbing a bank with a bb-gun. His delivery was poor but if he lasts he could go far because he will get the shit kicker vote. We will see.
All in all it is obvious that they are hiding the best people till later in the show. Because the ones that we have seen so far just don't cut it.
Hey come and get your bra's here!

We are having a Bra and Panty sale this weekend at Lee Lee's Valise and I am all alone in the store this Saturday morning. My worker is late as usual and I let the wife take it easy on Saturday morning so she doesn't have to rush.
So I am selling all the bras and panties my own self.
It's a tough job but somebody has to do it.
Thursday, January 21, 2010

You say you love Laura Bush but you never talk with her!

Well the results of our massively self indulgent poll on what is your favorite Trooper York series has placed Laura Bush on top. Where I know she likes to be. The results:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Remembrance of things Pabst

American Idol Recap

A great writer has passed.

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Holy three way Batman.
Whose Mother is this?
Friday, January 15, 2010
It's all there in black and white

Remembrance of things Pabst

Back in the day when I was single and fancy free I wasted a lot of money in AC and Vegas. I loved the casino and the lounges where you could relax and have a few drinks and listen the music. What was particularly good for me was that usually I didn’t know anybody so I didn’t have to have meaningless and tedious conversations with the regulars or worse the bartenders. You see I always had the opposite problem of most people who come to a bar. They come in to bore the bartender with their sad story and complaints about what was going on in their life. Now since I usually did the taxes for all the wait staff as well as the owners of the bar they all wanted to talk to me when all I wanted to do was talk to the ladies. I mean they always had an investment or tax question about their problems or their girlfriends or boyfriends or mothers or whatever the fuck. It got to the point where they used to call me the human service area because the bartender would always stand in front of me and hand drinks over my shoulder when it was a full bar. Which sucked because the drunk fucks getting the drink would spill a little on my suit or whatever. So going to AC where nobody knew me was a treat.
Now I don’t drive so after work on a Friday I would go to the Port Authority Bus Terminal and catch the bus to AC. It cost about $15 but they gave you back $12 in coins so you could play the slots. I hated the new hotels. I can’t stand Donald Trump or Steve Wynn. But I loved the old school ones like the Claridge.
The Claridge was actually the only hotel that wasn’t really on the boardwalk. It was on the next street down, Atlantic I think. You had to walk a block or so to get to the boardwalk which was fine with me because the boardwalk was very cheesy just like the one they show on the Jersey Shore show. Lots of t-shirt joints and taffy stands and shit like that. So I usually hung in the Claridge or maybe Caesar’s Palace. I almost always stayed in this small hotel a block away that offered great rates and had a great little coffee shop that was dirt cheap and had great food. It was always packed and the staff was all girls from Ireland who were working off the books. Some of them would later come up toe the city and I would recommend them for jobs at various bars and stuff.
The only bad part about staying off the main drag is that you had to fight your way past the hookers. They were all over those streets and they would accost you all the time. Usually it wasn’t a problem because they were looking for someone in a car but on a slow night or real late at night they could be a pain in the ass. The casinos were pretty good at keeping most of the snaggle tooth ones out. I mean the high class ones were around but they kept a low profile and they left you alone if you left them alone. So to speak.
Anyway after a few weeks I did what I always do. I made friends with one the bartenders, this guido Sal from South Philly. He was working in this little hole in the wall bar in the Claridge called “Sparky’s.” This bar was dedicated to Sparky Lyle the old Yankee relief pitcher and all around psycho. Occasionally Sparky would be there when he was making an appearance for the casino and he had some great stories. There was the time he went up on the roof and tried to throw a baseball into the ocean. All kinds of crazy shit. And I got an autograph or two. Not that I cared but my brother collected them.
Also you might run into a connected guy or two since they favored the Claridge a lot. Since I knew some people from Brooklyn and Sal knew the Philly guys it was easy to steer clear of trouble and have a good time with out stepping on anybody’s toes. Sparkys was really tiny; it was against wall and only had about 13 seats. We called them the lucky 13. That freaked some people out but others loved it. It was usually an interesting mix though and a good place to hang out and kill a few hours.
Anyway one day it was freezing cold for some reason. I was in Caesars Palace playing baccarat and I actually did pretty good for once. So I had to stay there long enough to lose all my money back to them which took a few hours. When I finished about 3 in the morning I decided to walk back to the Claridge for a couple of drinks at Sparky’s before I went to bed. When I went outside it was Artic man. Colder than Hillary Clinton’s heart. I bundled up and bent against the howling wind I slowly trudged my way back to the casino. Thankfully I finally made it and unwrapped myself. I mean I had on hats and scarves and all kinds of stuff. I walked across the casino floor which was easier than usually because it was pretty dead. I walk into Sparky’s and it was packed. That was weird. Every seat was taken except for one bar stool right in the middle of the bar. The 13th seat. So I walk in and sit down. Then I notice it. I look at the left. There were six Spanish prostitutes. They all had fruity drinks and in unison they go “Hola papi how you doing tonight?” Then I looked to the left and there were six black prostitutes drinking Hennessy. They all looked at me and said “How you doing sugar?” or something to that effect. I looked at Sal. He goes “Don’t look at me. It was so cold tonight they let them in to warm up.” I had to laugh. “You know nobody is going to believe this story. It’s the night of the frozen whores.”
You just never know what is gonna happen when you walk into a bar.
Hell needs a new PA Announcer

Lucifer: No I can't. I have to go over to Cartoon Hell today.
Forcas: I didn't know that there even was a Cartoon Hell. I was never stationed there.
Lucifer: Oh yeah it’s pretty cool. Once the Cartoonist dies his characters either go to Cartoon Hell or that other place.
Forcas: But what if someone else draws them and the comic strip continues.
Lucifer: Well then that’s a new Character altogether. Nobody exactly duplicates the sensibility and soul of a cartoon character. So they get a new life but the old soul comes here to me in Cartoon Hell.
Forcas: This sounds very interesting My Lord. Could I come and see? I might get some ideas on how to torture the forsaken souls here in the regular Hell.
Lucifer: Sure. That’s what Hell is all about. The Devil and his demons having some fun. Let’s go. (A poof of smoke and they are magically transported to Cartoon Hell)
Lucy (from Charley Brown): Welcome Sire! It has been so long since have visited.
Lucifer: Yeah I know but I have been busy. Ok where is he? Where the fuck is Gumby?
Lucy: Oh I have him hanging around right over there. (They walk over a lake of fire to a hill where Gumby is being crucified)
Forcas: Ah the old ways are always best.
Gumby: Ohhhh Nooooo! Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do?
Lucifer: Well you thought you were King of the Toons. But your creator Art Clokey didn’t give a shit. When he croaked he took those faggots Davy and Goliath up with him to heaven. And you came straight to me.
Lucifer: Seriously, you are a douche. You know what you did. I mean the stuff with Pokey alone. How the fuck did you think he got that name? You think that didn’t go on your permanent record. What a maroon.
Forcas: Very cool sire.
Lucifer: Yeah well enough with this loser. Let him hang around here for a while and ponder the error of his ways. Lucy.
Lucy: Yes My Lord and Master?
Lucifer: Let’s go over and see what Betty Rubble is up to. I love that dirty slut. Oh and bring your football. I bet it will fit by now. Hee.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
American Idol is back and we are all over it!

American Idol is back and we are all over it.
Day one was in Boston and the crazy started from the beginning. The first one up was a foul mouthed Irish broad who was wearing a pink belly shirt. An unfortunate choice. She needs to find out how to dress because she could have looked great but she had to get clothes that fit. Anyway she kept jumping up and down and was a stone psycho. They had that twit Posh Spice as a guest judge so with Kara they made up a new act: The Skeleton Sisters. The judges got her out as fast as possible.
They had this girl who had a heart rending story. She came from a huge family and her next youngest sibling was a Downs Syndrome baby. Her family ending up adopting three more Downs Syndrome kids and they were all there to cheer her on. I admit I teared up. Of course the wife was weeping for ten minutes but she is a big softie. Anyway she was pretty good and I hope she doesn’t get lost in Hollywood.
They had a couple of other typical stories: Cancer Guy, family troubles the whole nine yards. But the worst was this little Irish pishser who came with his whole family dressed in t-shirts with his name on it. Man did he suck. Thank God he was kicked to the curb.
By the way Paula is really, really missed. The first dofus actually called Kara: “Paula” and she freaked. She also freaked on this dude with crazy eyes who was the last person to audition. She was in full bitch mode that nobody thinks she has earned yet and Simon’s disgust is palpable. No wonder he is quitting. I mean at least with Paula next to him he could entertain himself by making her crazy. Now he just wants to get the hell out of there.
The next day they were in Atlanta. Mary J. Blige was the guest judge and she had a real hard time not laughing at the idiots who were singing. She had to keep hiding her face and would shout out stuff like “Oh no!” and “My Lord” and all kinds of stuff. Pretty funny actually.
Now there were a lot of goobers in this show. One young girl is being set up to be this seasons Kelly Pickler. They pimped her with a video and a visit to her one horse town in Tennessee. I think she lives next to the Instapundit’s trailer. Anyway they show her jumping off a bridge in a bikini. Now some of these guys should really jump off a bridge but this was all in good fun. She made it to Hollywood singing a Loretta Lynn song in a real country voice. It’s a Loretta Lynn voice because you can listen for about two minutes before you change the radio dial. Unless you are a goober of course. She will not survive Hollywood.
They totally mocked this other skinny inbred bad tooth goober dude. They had videos mocking him and everything. But everybody wants their ten minutes and he got his.
Then they had the perfect American Idol contestant. It was a guy who looks like Huggy Bear from Starsky and Hutch dressed in a bowling shirt and telling everyone he is the “Great Sibowsky.” Now what can be better than being a black dude singing Motown while pretending to be Polish. It was brilliant I tell you. And he really sold it. He even misspelled the name on his bowling shirt. You can’t get more Polish than that! He made it easily.
Then they had this cop guy they were pimping with a couple of videos. He is pretty old and he doesn’t sing that well but that is not what is really funny. He is a really pale and pink guy and he shaved his head except for a wispy tuft of a Mohawk on the middle of his head. So when he pursed his lips and wailed in all his pink skinned glory, he looked like nothing so much as, well a pig. Talk about stereotypes. Yikes.
The final guy was a portent of things to come. He was an angry black dude who had shaved some sort of design into his eyebrows. He was pissed from the minute he walked in. Simon was so disgusted he had already left. That’s gonna happen a lot. Anyway this dude shouted out Seal’s song “A Kiss from a Ross” in a gruff tough voice like he was singing in the prison shower. When they told him no way, he really started flexing and shouting and acting out till security got him and escorted him out of the joint. They followed him all the way down the elevator and out on to the street. Just about the last thing he said was “Fuck that Kara. What the hell does she know? Paula never would have done that.”
Truer words where never spoken.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Technical help youse guys.

Remembrance of things Pabst

As we were walking the wife decides we have to stop off at the Chocolate Room for some hot chocolate and some chocolate to bring home for a snack. Now I am not a big chocolate fan so it was all her choice. She gets about twelve pieces of chocolate and a fancy smasncy hot chocolate. Sixteen dollars. That’s right sports fans, sixteen dollars. After we left I told her that was the difference between us. Sixteen dollars for twelve pieces of chocolate and a hot chocolate vs. a large black coffee and two donuts from the metal cart with the Palestinian terrorist in it on Atlantic Avenue for about $2.50. But I love her anyway!
So we get back to the store and it is a crisis as usual. I have to get some money to a vendor and the computer is down at Chase and I can’t do it till tomorrow which just doesn’t work. So I have to take a cab all the way back to Montague St. to make cash deposit in their bank so they have use of the funds immediately. I had to take a cab because the bank closed early.
So I make it in the nick of time and walk outside. I decide to walk again because I need to work my leg and it is only about a mile and a half. But I am starving and I have to get a bite. Now normally I would get a piece of pizza at one of the shops but the one I used to go to started to annoy me a lot. They are always too busy and the guys working there are too busy fucking around to serve the line properly. When the Italian guys owned it they pushed everybody to pay attention to the customers and get the slices out right away. Now there are some absentee owners and he hired a bunch of Mexican dudes who have a real “Manama” attitude. So I don’t want to go there.
As I am walking, I see it. Mickey D’s. A McDonald’s. I don’t think I have had a McDonald’s burger in about twenty years. I used to love them back in the day when I was a kid. When I worked in Flushing Queens back in the seventies there was a Mickey D’s across the street and I would get the same lunch every day. Six cheeseburgers, large fries, a milkshake and an apple pie. Health food you know? I would eat that every day and read the Sporting News box scores at lunch. I was just a punk kid with an iron constitution ya know what I mean.
So I suddenly got a craving for a burger. I mean why not. But I have to be a little responsible. So I only get a paper sack filled with four cheeseburgers. Now I can’t eat them on the move because I would make a big mess. And I don’t want the wife to see me eating them because she would yell at me. So I decide to take the bus and enjoy it as it inched along Court St. I mean the bus takes about twenty minutes longer than walking it. I get on and sit down with my sack of burgers, pull one out and start munching away minding my own business, happily spilling ketchup on myself and chomping away. I look across the aisle and what do I see? My arch nemesis, the hippie/liberal/yuppie bitch with the PBS recycled tote and the Hemp coat. She must have just been shopping at the health food store and had a canvas sack full of tofu and bean sprouts and some shit like that. She looks at me happily enjoying my processed cheese and faux meat burger and sniffed like I was a piece of crap she got on her shoe. I had to laugh. I AM AMERICA BABY! Not you, you tight assed twat.
So I happily grunted and slobbered down my burgers while she gave me the stink eye. When I got my stop, I had finished my culinary trip down memory lane. She kept staring at me as I walked out the door. As I started to step out, I leaned back in and said:
“Oh, and I vote Republican too. All the time.”
Hopefully she had a stroke.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Sorry I have been busy!

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Why, why does he hate me so?

It's all there in black and white.

Sign up here.

I hope he blogs from the road soon!
Remembrances of Things Pabst

So we haven't been in the wine and cheese place for a couple of weeks because we have been busy with the holidays and work and what not. But after being somewhat disappointed in the What Not to Wear episode we decided to drown our sorrows.
We get there and place is kind of empty. There is only this hipster dofus couple and quiet meek serial killer guy who is always there eating his lonely meal contemplating slicing up little girls. We sit down and get some wine. And lo and behold she had lentil soup that she made especially for me.
So we are sitting there and the wife is staring at the hipster dofus couple. The wife goes to me "Hey that girl looks exactly like the crazy American Idol girl who got hit by a truck." "Who Alexis Cohen? The girl who gave Simon the Finger?" "Yeah her. Do you think she would be mad if I ask her to stand up and give me the finger with both hands and yell out Fuck You Simon? I can take a picture." "I don't think they have a sense of humor honey. Somehow I don't think that they are going to appreciate it. Let it lay ok?" "But why not, com'on let's ask them." "Eat your panini and cut it out. If you want I will ask the serial killer guy to talk about rabbits." "You're no fun."
Did I ever tell you my wife is crazy?

Dust Bunny Queen said...
I saw the show and thought the lace dress, that she didn't buy, was really attractive. We were watching,or rather I was watching and my husband was patiently checking the internet on his laptop while the show was on and listening to me blather on about the fashions and styles. I went....HEY...That's Trooper York's and his wife's shop. Lee Lee's Valise!! Very cool. I was hoping to see one or both of you in the show, but I guess they don't let the 'shop owners'appear. Congratulations.
The shop owners never appear unless they shoot a "check out" scene where the subject is paying for the goods and since the narrative was that she couldn't find anything they didn't use that even though they shot it. I never appear as I am in the back room but Lisa is in some background shots of the later episodes as we are on three more shows.
It's funny. When Stacy and Clinton were in the show for shop day two they were talking and laughing with Lisa and when the director called them over they both put their arms around her and said "Why can't she just be on camera with us. That would be great." But the big cheese nixed it. You never know. They might shake up the format next year.
I however will never appear on camera. I have to lay low. Too many skeletons.
I once shot a man in Reno just to see him die.
PS to Dust Bunny Queen: Thanks for watching. Check out what she bought at the TLC What Not to Wear website when they put up this episode.
No good deed goes unpunished

Well if you saw the "What Not to Wear" episode with Courtney last night it seemed like a let down for us. They made it appear that she didn't buy any clothes in the store which was not the case. So here's some inside TV dope.
You see when they have a "reality show" they have a narrative they have to follow. If the kids at the house on "Jersey Shore" went to the library instead of the club and spent all their time playing chess they wouldn't have a show. So Courtney's narrative like most of the subjects on the show was that she couldn't find any clothes. Which was not true but it flowed better if she was shown as being depressed and despondent until Stacy and Clinton came in and saved the day.
Now we love Stacy and Clinton and they showed us the love as they always do. In the show they said on camera how the black lace dress was great and Clinton said there were several great dresses she should have bought. Well in fact she did buy two of them and wore them in the last two minutes of the show and held one of them up when they were showing what she bought. She also bought a lot of jewelry and all of it will be detailed on the TLC What Not to Wear website.
The problem that Courtney has is that she is a size ten on the top but a sixteen on the bottom in the hips and thighs. She is the classic pear shape and the Lisa Wrap Dress and the Lauren in the Rust Polka dot fit her perfectly. The Wrap Dress is the go-to dress for a pear shape as you can manipulate how you tie it to give you the right fit. The Lauren dress has a gentle A-line that skims the body but really flatters a pear shape. Because she was so small on the bottom they were able to get a lot of inexpensive pieces at Loehmans and Century 21. When they detail the cost of some of her jackets and tops they were $25 or less. Now if you read the TLC website you have people complaining even about those prices! You see in the retail environment here places like Old Navy are selling stuff for $5 it is a very tough market. If you buy that $5 t-shirt you have to realize that it is going to fall apart after you wash it two or three times. I mean it comes from China and the wholesale price is probably $2.50 since they buy in such great volume. So it is pretty difficult when you are selling stuff that is made in America and has a higher price point. Don't get me wrong, our customers love our stuff especially the private label once they sample it and see how well it wears and how it is made. But it is still a struggle.
Now why I titled this post "No good deed goes unpunished" was because we weren't supposed to on this episode at all. But when Stacy saw Courtney, she knew that she was going to be an extremely hard fit on her bottom half. That is why she kept repeating "you can shop in the regular stores for the top but you need to go to the plus stores for the bottom." So Stacy told the line producer "Call Lisa, tell her it is an emergency and we need her." So we dropped everything and were ready for them the next day. But the director and the narrative made it look like she didn't buy anything. Nice. Thank God for Stacy and Clinton setting it straight in the dialogue as they looked at the film of shop day one. That saved it. I can always count on them. The writers and producers, not so much.
You never know what footage they are going to use or how it is going to come out. We prefer to be shop day Two because then Stacy and Clinton are in the store and they always find clothes they want to praise on camera. But when you are dealing with an unknown it is difficult. We promoted this appearance and it was kind of disappointing since they told us we had a reveal outfit when we didn't and we thought they were going to feature our crocodile belt which Courtney loved. We have one other shop day one and two shop days two. In one of the shop day two's the subject was a bit of a problem so that is also something we are worried about. I guess you have to rely on the maxim that any publicity is good publicity.
You see most people don't know diddley about plus clothing. I know entirely too much about it for a non gay dude. That's why Lisa has to have her own show.