Friday, April 23, 2010

Hey good luck Brett!

I hear that Brett Michaels brain just exploded. I hope he makes it since he is in critical condition. He has been very entertaining on the Celebrity Apprentice and I thought that he has a great chance to win.

I bet all of his kids are pretty upset.

Best wishes to him and his family.


reader_iam said...

Wow. Didn't know about the brain hemorrhage. Last week, in skimming news feeds, I did notice a report about an appendectomy.

Diabetes is no joke: because--no joke--it can lead to "all systems failing." Especially the form of diabetes that Bret Michaels has been coping with--from what I understand--since he was a kid.

Sincere prayers for him and for his family and friends: those on the frontlines who really care.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Interesting pic to go along with the report. You really do keep up closely with all the celeb stuff.

And I just felt like checking in and saying hi.

Good health is nothing to take for granted.

Trooper York said...

Hey two of my favorite commenter’s on the same thread.

You know reader I was kinda shocked when I watched the Celebrity Apprentice. Brett Michaels was going on and on about his diabetes and how he doesn't want his daughter to suffer from it. But then he is drinking beer or wine in almost every episode and talking about how drunk he got the night before. Not the way someone who cares about their health behaves if they have diabetes. He seems to be an accident waiting to happen.

Trooper York said...

I love that photo too Ritmo. Those are all the kids he had with the hose bags from the "Rock of Love" bus.