One of the biggest drinking nights of the year is the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving weekend. You see tons of people are depressed about going to see their family the next day so they want to tie one on so they can sleep through the holiday and make an excuse as to why they did not show up for turkey. I mean the girls don't want to be questioned by their aunts about when they are going to get married. Or if they are married they don't want to be questioned about when they are going to have a kid. The guys are generally pissed because they have to go to the family gatherings and have to listen to bullshit and admire the ugly babies that were born into the family during the year. So everybody likes to get plastered.
Back in my drinking days I loved to go out on this night. I remember one such night about twelve years ago or so. I was hanging out at a then new bar The Last Exit on Atlantic Avenue. It was my tax client at the time and the owner kept sending over free drinks. But what was funny was that it was a new joint and they got slammed around midnight because a huge influx of people came piling in. They had all just left bars in Manhattan and decided to keep the party going. The bartender didn't know whether to shit or go blind and he asked me to go behind the bar and help. Which I didn't do because I never do that. Too much can go wrong. But they sorted it out and everything was fine in the end.
We had a falling out since then. So it is another in a long line of places I wouldn't go back to. I have a lot of places like that. Where I used to be in with the in crowd and knew everything and everybody in the joint. But over time life gets in the way. You get in beefs. People do the wrong thing. Misunderstanding and other bullshit builds up and there are so many places you can spend your money why go back to a joint where they are fucking with you.
What's funny is that I am sure a lot of the same people are there tonight that were there back then. Some will have died. Some will have moved away. But there might be ten or twelve of them there knocking them back and complaining about life.
Thank goodness that the cyber world is much easier to navigate.
Face on the bar room floor.
Happy Thanksgiving Troop.
Gobble Gobble
It's a whole different world up here.
Half the men are out in the woods, even on Thanksgiving morning, trying for that 12 point buck. But I guess they're also drinking themselves into a stupor so it amounts to the same thing.
Happy Thanksgiving.
But over time life gets in the way. You get in beefs. People do the wrong thing. Misunderstanding and other bullshit builds up and there are so many places you can spend your money why go back to a joint where they are fucking with you.
That's why I don't go home for the holidays.
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