Monday, November 29, 2010

Whose that Dick?

"Well let me see if I can sink this put."
" A mere bag of shells Mr. President a mere bag of shells."
"Easy for you to you know who hard it is to find a pair of wing-tip golf shoes?"
"Uuuuuuu looks like you missed it Mr. President."
"What a fuckin' gyp. I hate this shit. Get that jew Kissenger on the phone. I am gonna bomb those fuckin Cambodians."
"And aaaawwaaaayyyyy we go!!!!"

1 comment:

ricpic said...

Jeez, they both must've been sweating bullets in those wool jackets on a Florida golf course.

Bag of shells derives from bagatelle: a trifle.

It's strange that Nixon had homes on Key Biscayne in Florida and on oceanfront property in California as well and yet he never was photographed walking on the beach barefoot or even in sneakers, always in wingtips. Guess he only relaxed indoors after that first Chivas Regal of the day.