Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Say what Baby?

"Oh Baby I like the way you finger those strings."

"Ummmmmm I can get into that baby."

"Why don't you put down that instrument and come over here now?"

"I want to see that Vulcan Vulva pinch I have heard so much about now."


Hoosier Daddy said...

Kirk and Uhura comsumated the very first TV interracial kiss.

Then again he did bang a green chick so its not like Kirk was prejudiced.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Prior to joining the crew of the USS Enterprise, Mr. Scott served in Her Majesty's 3rd Canadian Infantry Division where after surviving the initial landing on Normandy was shot six ways to Sunday by his own men on patrol and while his cigarette case stopped the only mortal wound he might have received. He did lose the middle finger in his right hand.

If I can think of any more useless but interested Trekkie trivia I will be happy to pass it on your way.

Hoosier out.

Titus said...

She's a big black slut.

chickelit said...

She's a big black slut.

@Titus: "big slack but" would be more polite.