Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Did you ever get the feeling .....

That you know which girl ironweightsironrails would ask out?


blake said...

Am I missing how you can tell the critical feature that Peter prefers?

Trooper York said...

Well if you want to see what the engine is like you have to find out what is happening in the pits.

Don't you watch NASCAR?

The Dude said...

Carpet, drapes, collar, cuffs, pits - hmm, never heard any 100% correlation on that and IRIW's fixation.

ricpic said...

It's an iron law that these horrors are quite choosey about the men they allow to get close to them. What's in it for the men is beyond me. But there are always men who "date" such creatures.

chickelit said...

Peters into axillism?
So to speak.

chickelit said...

Peter pecked a pair of pecs,
a pair of perfect pecs peter's pecker pecked....

chickelit said...

That last one was dedicated to MamaM.

TTBurnett said...

Somebody must have pulled me out of the vortex while I was unconscious, because I have no clue who the people you're talking about here or in the other threads are.

Oh, I know Seven Machos, and, pardon the expression, "Jeremy." And of course I recall, but would never willingly would write, the P-word.

But about the rest of these jokers, I have no idea.

Your friend, formerly known as 'Theo Boehm,' is definitely entering the post-social-media phase of life.

MamaM said...

Such dedication impresses the MamaM...but the question remains: Did Chickelit consider the source?

Peter Piper's Practical Principles for the Plain and Perfectly Pronunciated Pubis (more or less)

Presented for check out: the 1836 Preface.

Penny said...

"Am I missing how you can tell the critical feature that Peter prefers?"

Seems to me that all you are missing, blake, is imagination.

If Peter has already checked in here...I am afraid you will be left with sloppy seconds TWICE!

Gotta love Peter. He's an expert at marking his territory.

Penny said...

"Don't you watch NASCAR?"

Actually, I am a registered independent.

NPR for me. Least for now.

But hey? You're a nice guy, Troop. I like you.

Maybe we can at least get some good mileage over "pits"?

Penny said...

In fact, I see that Sixty Grit has pits on his mind too!

Among other things of course, but why not start with pits?

blake said...

That? That's just a little stubble.

Peter's more in to lush growth. To hear him tell of it.

Penny said...

"But there are always men who "date" such creatures."

"Older gents with modest bank accounts", she said with a straight face.

Sorry, ricpic. This last botox injection will just not let me blink!

Penny said...

"Peters into axillism?"

Cripes...leave it to chicklet.

I had to Google, new word alert for me.

Course now that I am getting older, I never make it past the first page of Google results.

My fingers...They're slowing down.

It's SAD!

Well, except that the first page of Google is nearly always about sex, so really? How sad can that be?

Penny said...

"Peter pecked a pair of pecs,
a pair of perfect pecs peter's pecker pecked...."


Offered up, and all to MamaM.

BIG Bird!!!

Is that really YOU?

Penny said...

"Your friend, formerly known as 'Theo Boehm,' is definitely entering the post-social-media phase of life."

Oh don't be silly, Tim! ha ha

I will suggest that you are much better suited coming back in a remake of the Pink Panther.

Maybe all you need is a well placed "umlaut" to make that so?

Penny said...

"Such dedication impresses the MamaM...but the question remains: Did Chickelit consider the source?"

Surely you jest, MamaM?

ALL chickens know their source.

It's the incredible, edible, EGGHEAD!

Penny said...

"That? That's just a little stubble."

Maybe we could call it "five o'clock shadow"?

Would please a few of us at least.

You want grass?

Hey, that's cool too.

I'll just be over there >>>> draggin' on my cigarette.

Last one of the night.

ricpic said...

Theo is back as The Stone Parapet or The Rock Garden or somesuch writin' and submittin' pottery.

MamaM said...

The Stone Pooch bemuses the MamaM, as the creator seems more like a ricchip or a picahoy than a direct descendant from the order Blattaria.

Wherever it originates, the site joins MamaM's list of peculiar favorites, along with RH and the T-man.

MamaM said...

you know which girl ironweightsironrails would ask out?

MamaM's answer: Both. He's a man faced with short supply.

chickelit said...

...a direct descendant from the order Blattaria.


chickelit said...

ALL chickens know their source.

It's the incredible, edible, EGGHEAD!

I thought I solved that problem of which came first -- heuvos! Or as Jeremy called them the other day: sfere.

The Dude said...

Oh no he dih-int! He writes English like Garbage writes French.