Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Did you ever get the feeling .....

That the problem in Wisconsin was not the camel but the camel toe?


The Dude said...

Dear God in Heaven!

chickelit said...

Wisconsin is the dromedairy State!

MamaM said...

One hump or two?

Penny said...

"One hump or two?"

Eh? Sorry, MamaM? Come again?

One lump or two, you ask?

Penny said...

No thank you, but so sweet to offer.

Had three lumps last time....Been fulla gas ever since!

With the supply going down and the price going up, I'm trying to keep it that way.

Cripes, soon enough I'll be able to sell a kid a fart to get to the kwiki mart.

MamaM said...

They look more like two giant insects from Africa or a pair of birds from the wilds of Australian stealing coffee beans, than Bloated Camel Toes from any region.

chickelit said...

than Bloated Camel Toes from any region.

They're what the medical profession refers to as "prolapsed"