Katherine: It must be tremendously interesting to be a schoolmaster, to watch boys grow up and help them along; to see their characters develop and what they become when they leave school and the world gets hold of them. I don't see how you could ever get old in a world that's always young.
Mr.Chipping(Mr. Chips) Actually I am going on strike because I refuse to contribute anything to my pension or medical insurance costs. The little buggers will have to fend for themselves.
Katerine: Surely you can not mean that?
Mr. Chipping(Mr. Chips) Of course I do. My main concern is my self interest. I need more time off, a higher pension, better benefits and everything I ever wanted without reference to the fiscal reality of our times. I want. I need. I will get what I want. Oh and one more thing.
Katherine: Yes?
Mr. Chipping(Mr. Chips) Don't call me Shirley.
Katherine: Well what should I call you?
Mr. Chipping(Mr. Chips) They call me Mr. Chips.
Mr. Chips would never deprive himself the pleasures of the cane for mere material advantage.
Another Mr Tibbs piloted the Enola Gay.
Who you callin' boy?
"Who you callin' boy?"
Not YOU Sixty Grit. ;)
I suspect you are fully grown.
Perhaps I should have written "Who are you calling, boy?"
Nah, that doesn't help.
I am superannuated, my maturity level only occasionally keeps up with my vale of years.
I got your Mr. Chips right here!!!!!!!
"But I'm entitled!"
HaH! The Blogger Lady has video up on the fearsome awesomeness of Honey Badgers!
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