Douchenozzles used to be hidden away. They were never referred to in polite society. Everyone knew one but nobody talked about it. It was the personal feminine hygiene product that could not speak it's name.
But now they are out in force. They are everywhere. In the arts. In the army. Why they even elected one President of the United States. They have become the new in-thing. So my question to you is: Who is the biggest douchenozzle of them all?
Our new poll lets you choose. Who do you think is the biggest douchenozzle:
President Obama
Fred Wilponzie
Wisconsin Public Employees
New commenter and Union sycophant Dose of Sanity
Trooper York?
I have to be fair. You can call me a douchenozzle if you want. So what do you think?
For her enjoyment.
Plus we love to rib people here at Trooper York. So to speak.
A tie, Wisconsin Public Employees
and Obama.
The Big O.
Meade here, reporting live from the Wisconsin state Capitol.
Douchenozzels everywhere I turn - east, west, north, south. And more are pouring in, literally by the busload, as I type.
Okay, rules question for you, Troop: Should I be looking for the biggest douchenozzle in a sea of approx 25 thousand douchenozzels? Or should I consider as one the aggregate douchenozzelosity of all 25 thousand (and growing!) douchenozzels? I want to be sure I cast my vote correctly as the democratic process (including such principles as the secret ballot) is very important to me. Thanks in advance for your clarification.
Oh, hey! There's Rev. Jesse Jackson, Jr. I'll see if I can get an interview. I can't quite tell from here, but he seems to have some sort of ribs. Is it possible his head is actually ribbed? Signing off, this is Meade, reporting live from Madison, Wisconsin, close to the home of the Super Bowl XLV Champion... oh you know.
Sent from my iPhone
"this is Meade, reporting live from Madison, Wisconsin, close to the home of the Super Bowl XLV Champion... oh you know."
Don't be shy, Meade. That would be the home of the Super Bowl XLV Champion GREEN BAY PACKERS!.
@meade I hope you got some photos of Jesse Jackson for the Althouse blog.
BTW, what ever happened to the pejorative term douchebag? I think douchebags are still are hidden from public sight.
@meade: Garage mahal says he's going to the protest tomorrow in Madison. Keep an eye out for him. He looks like a person of color and he chain smokes so he should be real obvious.
Meade - this just in - your wife pays union dues in Wisconsin! If Walker busts the union she will save $1,100 a year, right? The good news just keeps coming.
O Mike, my shyness was a deliberate dog whistle for you to represent. Well done, sir.
chickelit, turns out the photos of Rev J were not easy for me to get. Check the Evil Lady's blog tomorrow to see if I snapped anything of value. Long and short of it is Jesse may have to be the write-in winner of the douchenozzle award. I don't know. Obama could easily scoop it up simply by coming to Madison. Yes He Can! Yes He Can! I wouldn't put it past him. It would be great because this whole thing would end up hanging around his douchnozzle of a neck. Exactly where the symbolism of it belongs.
Grit, I don't think it's technically a "union" and the voluntary dues are minimal, much less than 1100. But thanks. I may be biased but she has worked hard, is extraordinarily talented and smart, is totally devoted to her students' education, and deserves everything she has earned. Still, public employment beisbol has treated public employees barry barry goot thanks to their employers, the taxpayers who. are. tapped. out. I am embarrassed for these protesters who somehow believe their grievances are somehow on the level of Jim Crow colonial India. Shamefully embarrassing.
Well, there you go. I based my comment on what I learned on the interwebs. Who knew that there was inaccurate information posted on there?
But other than that, how is it living in Egypt? Dang, my bad, again - I listened to the radio and a woman was saying that she was protesting and she was just like an Egyptian trying to overthrow a dictator. I am certain there was no hyperbole in her comment, right?
"Who knew that there was inaccurate information posted on there?"
When it comes to the web, my own working theory is: None of it is accurate but it's all true.
haha, I wander on over and here I am. You are obsessed, I think.
Doses of sanity have not proved nearly as helpful to MamaM as humor and curiosity.
But wandering is a start. Just be cautious about accepting Trooper's gracious invitation to sit by his fire and spin. There is no antidote for the descent that will follow. Dosing all day will not be enough to pull one back to the certainty of believing things are as they seem.
Not obsessed dude. I just play the long game.
I have to find the right handle.
If you stick around I guarantee I will.
Pull and pull, my friend.
I did laugh at the gay jokes though, especially coming from you.
If it helps, you try and find the right button to push on me, I'm very nerdy, I'm 6'1, 170 lbs, spend way too much time on my computer and playing video games, and I've got massive school debt from law school.
Flame away - but this is the internet and I'm wearing my fire-retardant suit.
"I did laugh at the gay jokes though, especially coming from you."
Now that's what I call a good comeback! You know how to play the game. It is a pleasure to welcome you to the lists my friend.
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