Saturday, July 23, 2011

Disco Inferno

Everybody should have their own personal car service guy. We gave up our car this year since all we did is move it from side to side for alternate side parking and get tickets and pay insurance and for repairs because we didn't drive it enough. Since I don't drive the wife is the only one who can move it and it is too much of a pain in the ass. So we got rid of the car and don't miss it all.

Now what car service guys like to do is give you their personal number so you can call them direct instead of the car service so they can get all of the dough. Last Thanksgiving we called our usual service and Omar went to Long Island to pick up my mother-in-law and father-in-law to bring to our house in Brooklyn. He was very kind and patient with them so I took his number and I have been using him exclusively ever since. He takes us to the airport or picks us up after the shows at the Javits. When he came to the Hampton's to pick us up he sat on the porch with me relaxing and drinking coffee while we were waiting for the wife. He has become a friend.

So when I need to get something I call him up and he gives me a ride to Home Depot or Lowes or whatever. Here we are loading the grill into the back of his SUV. It fit without a problem and we got it home without a hitch.

Omar is a good guy. I treat him well and he does the right thing. To me that's the secret of life. Treat people with respect and you get it right back.


ndspinelli said...

Troop..I agree 100% w/ your philosophy on treating people right. Good karma.

And, your grill experience got me off my ass. I love to grill. I have a gas for burgers, bratwurst, etc. And, I have a Weber that has lasted ~20 years for briskets, ribs, etc. on charcoal. But, the ultimate is the Big Green Egg. It's a ceramic charcoal grill that costs 1k..but they are unbelievable for cooking. I met w/ a salesman this afternoon and plan on getting one next week..once I unload this ounce of crystal meth and have the cash.

ricpic said...

Yeah, but does he kiss your shoe tops?

Trooper York said...

Well they do worship Buddha like people.

Palladian said...

So when do I get invited to a barbecue?

Trooper York said...

I would be happy to do so.

Email me at and I will forward you the details.