Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pull a String a Puppet Moves

each man must realize
that it can all disappear very
the cat, the woman, the job,
the front tire,
the bed, the walls, the
room; all our necessities
including love,
rest on foundations of sand -
and any given cause,
no matter how unrelated:
the death of a boy in Hong Kong
or a blizzard in Omaha ...
can serve as your undoing.
all your chinaware crashing to the
kitchen floor, your girl will enter
and you'll be standing, drunk,
in the center of it and she'll ask:
my god, what's the matter?
and you'll answer: I don't know,
I don't know ...

1 comment:

ricpic said...

Hey, I was pulling out of a filling station and for 2/10ths of a f**king second lost my concentration and scraped the whole right side of my car against a stanchion (like that fancy word?) and there went $800 in trade-in value, so yes, I know what Buk means.