Monday, July 11, 2011

There was a young man from Seatucket

Well we are off on our whirlwind four day vacation. I have been saying that we are going to the Hamptons but I am not as toney a dude as hd so I ended up in Moriches. Which is the poorer side of town.

Actually I think the town is called Eastport and the bed and breakfast we are staying at is fantastic. It's called the Seatuck Inn and it is right on the water. We have a lovely room and we are enjoying every minute of it.

Of course it started off with a bang when we pulled up at the wrong house. I was throwing my huge suitcase on the porch when this little old lady came out and asked what I was doing. I said "We are here for a couple of days. We have reservations." She said "I really have reservations...Baby Jane did you rent out a room again without telling me?" But then I saw my friend Chuck waving at me from a porch on a house down the road. So I apologized and got back in the car and drove to the right place.

And you know what. This joint is definitely the right place.


Titus said...

This is great Troop. I am very happy for you.

Enjoy, relax, read, eat good food, take a walk, dip your toes in the water, collect seashells.

Are you guys going to Fire Island?

Have you ever been to Fire Island?

I had a timeshare for two summers there-1999 and 2000. The Monday after those weekends when I went to work I will still high.

Oh those were the days.

But now I am an old married man and loving it.


Titus said...

Did you guys know old in gay terms if 40?

It's true.

I will be 41 in a week and I am considered damaged goods, invisible and a troll in the gay world. But I don't care because I am married to a 35 year old rich Hindu. I never thought I would be a curry queen. But here I am, sipping tea and eating vegan.

But I am fighting. I can still bench press 220 pounds, which isn't bad for an old fart.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Trooper, I kept my boat at East Moriches for years before moving it out to Jamesport on Peconic Bay on the North Fork.

blake said...

Christopher Plummer is 80 and he can still get laid. At least in the movies.

Trooper York said...

I love the North Fork. I used to go fishing there all the time.

This place is unbelievably nice.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the North Fork has more of a New England feel with the architecture and such.

Have a good time and relax.

MamaM said...

There was a B&B in Seatucket
Where the Trooper checked in saying "Phucket,
Give us your best
I'm needing the rest
To kick pneumonia instead of the bucket".