Thursday, July 7, 2011

It is a long day!

It is boiling hot in NYC today and with the crew of twenty and all the hot lights my air conditioning didn't work for shit. So I have to go yell at the Russian guy who serviced my air conditioner to find out WTF!

Even Clinton started to run out of steam and he is usually at the top of his game. It was just way too hot.

I haven't seen him this distressed since a crazed stalker professor cornered him a few years ago.


deborah said...

I wouldn't give her a link either. lol.

windbag said...

I never yell at the Georgia boy who does my A/C work. Even when he comes in and wants me to feed his family for free. Which I do. I never get impatient with him because he never gives me a bill. I owe him from over five years ago. I call him, he comes and fixes my shit, and asks for lunch. I'll ask him if he has a Russian cousin.

Trooper York said...

I already linked to that post yesterday.

Nothing is worse than yesterdays linc's.

That's what they serve at Miller Stadium which is why they have been farting like that over there. Just sayn'