Thursday, July 7, 2011

It takes a lot to produce a TV show.

It takes a lot of people and a lot of time to produce a TV show. There are camera people and sound people and the girl who goes out for coffee. Sometimes the subject of WNTW get's lost in the shuffle. So I always take them aside and let them know if they need anything like some water or something to eat. They are always very appreciative.

We are in contact with many of the girls who shopped in the store after their episode aired. They become part of our extended family.

As it should be.


ndspinelli said...

Italians love to feed people. And, it's something that is almost universally appreciated..except the Irish. Good job continuing the legacy.

Do they still open up fire hydrants. I've not been to NYC on a hot day for decades.

reader_iam said...

It's all about managing the drama, Trooper, and I imagine that you do that well (and then some).]

: )

As always, best to you.

reader_iam said...
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reader_iam said...
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reader_iam said...

One more time:

This reminds me of this
and this.

(And, after all that, to hell with any other commentary, LOL.)