Monday, August 15, 2011

I Dream of Jeanie, E True Hollywood Story

The set of “I Dream of Jeannie” was a crazy place. Those astronauts were hard living guys. The fear of flying out into space on a rocket made by parts from the lowest bidder was enough to make anyone have a few drinks. Gus Grissom was always plastered and chasing the astronaut groupies. Scott Carpenter was always banging secretaries on the Golf Course. But Anthony Nelson had a case of the blue balls big time. Even though Jeannie was always wearing hot little outfits and calling him master she would never let him get it in. Now that was strange. I mean when I heard she was a girl who spent her time in the bottle I thought it was like Hollywood child stars and law professors from mediocre Midwestern colleges. You know they would always be drunk and goers. But Jeanie wasn’t like that. Tony was really frustrated. Until Jeanie’s little sister came to town.

You see she was a pig.

(Sidney Sheldon, I Dream of Jeanie, E True Hollywood Story)


chickelit said...

I love the way you connect dots!

MamaM said...

I love the way you connect dots!

The MamaM is amazed at how many dots she didn't connect back then, with all the sexual overtones present on some of those old shows. Strange to see in retrospect.

blake said...

She was a pig?