Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dirty Hippies are actually good for something

So we have to decorate the back store that is going to fixed up in a French boudoir style and we need to find some furniture and accruements that will not break the bank. You heard about the $4800 mirror fiasco from last week.

Now they had this furniture joint on 9th Street across form Loews. We pass it all the time and say we have to check it out. So we finally did. It was very freaking expensive.

Everything in the freaking place was over $1000. I mean the tiny chairs were about $400 but the little piece of furniture was $1200. Who the fuck is going to pay that. I mean they are all beautiful and shined up and all that good shit but who the hell is going to pay that price? No way Jose.

So we wander outside and see the sign for the Dirty Hippie place. It is called the "Green Collective" with "Repurposed Furniture." Lisa asked me what that means. I said it was probably transgendered ottomans or something.

Anyhoo we walk and welcomed by the person who called themselves Adam. I don't know if he was a girl who identified as boy or a gay guy or who the fuck knows what the fuck his deal was. He/she was a snippy little cunt. The deal with the place is they get a lot of donations. When grandma kicks and the relatives come to clean out her brownstone they take what they want and let them pick up the rest. Especially the older heavy pieces. Exactly what we are looking for.

We root around and buried in the pile is this little number:
It is sort of French Provincal or some shit that Lisa recognized and said would be perfect. And guess how much.
 $350. God Bless you dirty fucking hippies.

Even after I clean it up and paint it I am going to save a shit pot full of dough. Now the dealio is that they don't deliver. In fact you have seven days to pick it up or they throw it out or sell it again. So I had to get on the Minion phone and call my Paki minions to come and bring it to the store.

So Omar and his cousin Lincoln take his cab and pick it up and bring it to the store. We put it behind the wall in the front until the back store is ready.

Oh yeah the wall in the front. That's another story.


chickelit said...

Shouldn't you contact Sippican Cottage about furniture? He used to specialize in "distressed look" stuff.

windbag said...

Nice uniforms you have for your sherpas.

MamaM said...

Looks like you got your money's worth. How do they get that behemoth home in a cab?

blake said...

Yeah, Sipp is a genius and a polymath and who knows what-all else.

That seems like a real nice piece of furniture for $350. I mean, even if you're not in NYC.

Trooper York said...

They drive big SUV's for a car service. Omar has a huge Escalade. But they used his buddy's car.

Trooper York said...

I had to laugh about the uniforms!

They started a construction company and they wear them when they go to price out jobs.

Omar always has something going. He owned a grocery store, manages a bunch of other livery drivers and is trying to get a drywall business off the ground. These guys are hustlers.

Trooper York said...

I wouldn't presume to bother Sippican. He was before my time and I don't think he knows me.

I will research it on the internet.

Michael Haz said...

We stayed with friends in Florida for a couple of nights earlier this month. They sold their home and nearly everything in it and moved into a two bedroom condo in Naples.

It was beautifully furnished. They said they furnished the place for under $5,000 by buying things at consignment shops. That was about one-third of the cost they were quoted for moving their stuff to Florida.

Never pay retail. Only charge retail.