Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Return of the Red Headed Step Child

Dennis Franz: Hey Jim is that David Caruso hanging around the set?
James McDaniel: Yeah I think that is him hiding behind that plant and muttering to himself. Let's go over and say hello.
(the two actors walk over to the side of the set where a disheveled David Caruso is hiding behind a plant. He seems dirty. Like he had been working on his lawn)
Jim McDaniel: Dave brother whaz up? Why do you keep hanging around the set. You got fired buddy. You ain't part of the show anymore.
David Caruso: Oh I know Jim. I am doing really great. I have a lot of offers. They want me to take Sam Malone's place on "Cheers" and I am up for this role as a secret agent who saves the world in a day. Or something. I am doing really really great.
Dennis Franz: Then why the fuck are you always hanging around here. If everything is so great in your new life why aren't over there enjoying it and leaving us alone. We have a new star. This Puerto Rican guy is doing a great job. He is much more generous actor. He doesn't mock his fellow actors or think his shit doesn't stink. Nobody misses you loser. Go get a life.
Jim McDaniel: That's a little harsh Dennis. Cut the poor guy a break. He is in a bad situation. I hear his wife is a nasty bitter hag who tortures him because he messed up his career.
David Caruso: Hey I don't need you guys. I am doing great. I have this new move. Look I take off my sunglasses and look intently at the camera. It's gold I tell you.
Jim McDaniel: Yeah that's great. Look I think you should leave the set and go find a job buddy. Okey Dokey?
(the two actors walk back to the camera)
Jim McDaniel: That's some sad shit right there. Didn't he ever hear of Adam Cartwright?
Dennis Franz: Of course he didn't. That's the point. Fuck him. Let's start the show.
(Red Storm Rising, The David Caruso Story, E True Hollywood Stories)


Chip S. said...

"Shouting Thomas's comments at my wife's blog are so horrible that I have to keep coming to Lem's to read more."

Aridog said...

Chip S .....Heh :)

Chip S. said...

File that under "things I only say here b/c I really don't want to interact w/ the guy."

Probably a pussy move, but hey: know thyself.

Trooper York said...

Hey if you get in the mud with the pigs you will get really dirty.

I will not engage directly just mock obliquely.

blake said...

"Ike! Do your impression of David Caruso's career!"

Darcy said...

I miss everything. *sigh*

Darcy said...

Omg I find those dog pictures at TOP to be very creepy. And I love dogs.

Aridog said...

Darcy ...those recent photos at TOP, both of dogs and scenery, are the hostess and/or her Toad playing around with the very wide angle lens again. About one out of ten shots are slightly correct for use of that lens....and those are accidental. They think that distortion and perspective aberration is "art."

Darcy said...

Interesting, Aridog. Almost every pic seems to be mocking the animal in an ungenerous way.

Aridog said...

Darcy....Check you epistle too much for a comment.

Darcy said...

Cool. Thanks, Aridog. :)