Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Memorial Day is my Favorite Holiday

Hey we had to get out of town. My friends invited us to stay at their house in Easthampton. It was my favorite type of vacation. It didn't cost me anything.

Well except carfare to and fro.

They have a great pool in their backyard. It was just opened and ready for business. It was a little too cold for Sunday but Monday and Tuesday it was warm enough to go in for a little while.

He had just had his deck redone. In fact they were working on it. You see they rent it out for the summer. That is the only way you can pay the real estate taxes which are about $30,000 a year. He uses it in the off season. Which is before June and after September. So we were able to enjoy the weekend. The best part of it was that he didn't fix up his wifi and the service sucked so Lisa couldn't text or email or instagram or tweet or face book. Or blogging. It was heaven.

We always take off on Mondays and Tuesdays so we closed the store on Sunday and left Saturday morning and came back Tuesday night.

It was a great mini-vacation.


windbag said...

Nice deck. He didn't pull this on you over the weekend, did he?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

That's were you went. You look good Trooper.

blake said...

Eventually, they'll repeal Prop 13 here in California, and we'll end up with $30K property taxes, too.

Trooper York said...

They had the workers there on Tuesday at the end of the trip.

He has this great outside shower stall on the side of the building. We put on the handles and tested the water for the first time since the winter. Don't you know the hot water pipe burst and flooded the basement. The wood worker guys will have to tear down the wooden wall to open it up so the plumber can fix it.

Big job. Lots of dough.

That's why I prefer hotels and
B&B's over a summer house.

Trooper York said...

Not that I can afford one.

Trooper York said...

I don't have the time or the money.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Did you get a driver to take you out to Easthampton? I would think you would prefer renting a car and driving out yourself.

ndspinelli said...

I was hoping for a pool photo of you to check out your rack now that you've lost weight. Sounds like a nice getaway. When you have your own biz, long weekends are the best vacations.

Trooper York said...

I always use a driver.

Omar drives me everywhere. I like to go to a place and stay there.

My buddy had his car of course but we could never drive out together. He couldn't fit Lisa's luggage.

Trooper York said...

Coming home we stopped off at Seatuck House to say hello to our friend who runs the joint. Then we hit a couple of the antique shops and what not in Eastport. A much better place than the Hamptons. Not stuffy. Not rich. More working class. My kind of place.

Trooper York said...

Omar is now almost a tour guide. People hire him to drive them around all day to see the sites. I took him to a bunch of places with me to eat so he takes these tourists to joints like the House of Pizza and panale store and Bens Kosher Deli.

He loves the knishes.

Today he is driving around a bunch of Norwiegans and spouting off all the local Brooklyn knowledge I taught him.

Trooper York said...

He is a mook from Bangla Desh.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I always liked Montauk because it wasn't the Hamptons. It was a working class fishing town with nice beaches. Of course when it comes to real estate prices, all of Long Island is expensive.

rcocean said...

Love to get out that way and go to the beach. I did visit Oyster Bay & was fascinated by "Sagamore Hill" TR's old home.

But the traffic! I thought LA had bad freeways & crazy drivers - nothing compared to L.I.

Great Trooper had a fine vacation.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sagamore Hill is great.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Mrs. Rooservelt willed it with all the stuff in it to the National Park Service, so it really is a window on how he lived.

windbag said...

...we'll end up with $30K property taxes...

My property tax is about $350 per year. I can't even begin to comprehend moving somewhere with taxes that high.

Trooper York said...

The thing is they want to keep out the regular people.

I went to a coffee place in town with my buddy while the girls were shopping. Two coffees, two waters and bagel. Fourteen dollars.

It is freaking ridiculous.

ndspinelli said...

windbag, Is it a double wide?

Chip S. said...

You could always visit a national cemetery on Memorial Day. Admission is free.

windbag said...

Nick, nope, and we're on an acre lot in a private development. I think our county is the lowest property tax rate in the state. It will go up, though, because we have a revaluation scheduled, and everyone's tax value is fixing to go down, so they'll raise the rate to cover the difference.

rcocean said...

"Two coffees, two waters and bagel. Fourteen dollars."

Sounds like Airport food.