Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mirror, mirror on the wall..........

How much do you fucking cost after all?

After the Doctor we went for a walk down Atlantic Avenue as we always do. It is our only short break during a very busy week. So we go into this joint and we start chatting with the owner. She was in the same position as a lot of store owners in Brownstone Brooklyn. She had been in the same spot for thirty years. Last year her lease was up and her landlord doubled her rent. She stuck it out for a year but is going to leave after a year. So she is trying to sell off as much as she can and will sell the rest on the internet.

Anyway we are looking for stuff to decorate the back store. It will be French Boudoir style and there were several pieces that Lisa fell in love with. In particular the seven foot tall mirror you see in this shot. It is very impressive and dates from the 1800's supposedly. So I want you to guess how much?

No really guess? More than that. Seriously.


rcocean said...

I'll guess $5,000

Trooper York said...

Good guess?

I want to put you on the price is right.


But she said she would give me a deal.

Trooper York said...

I told the wife she was going to give me a freaking heart attack.

ndspinelli said...

Do a Fred Sanford, "This is the big one, Lisa!"

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Nice purchase Trooper.

Shouting Thomas said...

How do you get into the bra fitter line of work?

chickelit said...

If the mirror is from the 1800's there's probably at least $20 or so of silver coated on the back of the glass.

It's an investment!

Trooper York said...

Wait a minute!

We didn't buy it!

You want to give me a heart attack for real?

Trooper York said...

We found one in the cellar of this store that as very similar for about $500. The difference if you can believe it: patina.

Trooper York said...

Now patina is not the tiny Ronzoni macaroni you make in chicken soup when you have a cold. That's pastina. When the woman started talking about patina I wondered what the hell macaroni has to do with this.

You see the $4800 has the original gold leaf that was never painted over and the patina accumulates over the years. It is in the original condition like a comic book kept in a plastic sleeve. So it is in it's original state.

The cheaper one had been painted in gold gilt and it is chipped and generally fucked up. Which is great for us because we are furnishing it like a French boudoir in a shabby chic motif.

Trooper York said...

I wanted to do the back room like a French whorehouse in 1956 French Indochina.

Then I could hire a skinny oriental chic to work the desk and sell undies to the skinny bitches in the neighborhood. You know make it exotic.

I bet Shouting Thomas has some numbers.

Trooper York said...

Of course the wife wouldn't go for that.

So think "Moulin Rouge" not "Full Metal Jacket."

chickelit said...

Will the lighting be red as seen from outside through the security window/gate? Aren't you casting pearls?

chickelit said...

I have new chirbit impression of Hitchens up at Lem's right now.

blake said...

Ah, yes, "patina" is Latin for "sucker", innit?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Oh, Trooper, just relating the score, in case you missed it.

The Mets beat the Yankees at Yankee Stadium 9 to 7.

What a shame... Not!

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The Yankees is an old team Troop.

Not even half way thru the season and they are dropping like flies.

ndspinelli said...

The Brewers took 2 of 3 from the Yanks. It must KILL Trooper to see K-Rod beat them.

ndspinelli said...

Of course Trooper admits NOTHING!. He is our Sgt. Schultz.

TrooperYork said...

Hey I admit that they lost 2 out of 3. They were just depressed about being in Wisconsin.

The Yankees are a very sensitive team. They feel that when in Rome you should do like the Romans do.

So since they were in Wisconsin they wanted to fit in. So they were losers.

ndspinelli said...

Maybe they were constipated.

ndspinelli said...

Another Wi. problem.

windbag said...

Tears and wine will be flowing in Wisconsin tonight. Legal Insurrection posted blog traffic numbers today. Prof. Jacobson passed the blond bitch for the #2 spot behind Instapundit. Imagine the shrieking and despair.

blake said...


The blog posted its lowest numbers in four years (May 2010). Still bleeding commentariat? Or is the remaining commentariat just not very interesting? Or is it the censorship that makes it less compelling.

Unrelated: While guest-hosting Insty, Althouse defensively claimed that she only voted for Obama once. First I'd heard of that.

I know Darcy (among others) thought for sure she'd vote for him again. (I tended to agree but I haven't read the blog since 2009.)

Chip S. said...

Jacobson should mark the occasion by posting a celebratory video.

windbag said...

@blake, She guest posted at Insta last week. Her "farewell" thread was pretty funny. People took some good shots at her and she snipped back at a few. They kept it surprisingly classy. I don't know if she was referencing something else she wrote, but she mentioned in the comments her claim to have voted for Romney in '12. It just provided more fuel for snark and ridicule. She leaves a shit stain wherever she goes. If it weren't for Glenn sending traffic her way, her numbers would be even lower.

Chip S. said...

I saw that thread! It was hilarious to watch the woman who once said very plainly that she cared not a whit about comments, and only wrote for the pure joy of writing, wade into the comments at someone else's blog to mix it up.

blake said...

I didn't check the comments on that one but it did strike me as having a weirdly bitter tone.

Chip S. said...

It was kind of pathetic, w/ her asking for credit for having voted for Scott Walker twice vs. once for Obama.

Perhaps a taste of the grape was involved.

windbag said...

I think it showed her insecurity. She was a guest, dealing with commenters way more savvy than her own (and light years beyond her), and she couldn't pull her shit with them. It was funny to see her squirm.


@Chip, great video. My family enjoyed it, as well.

ndspinelli said...

I fucked up and summoned Satan @ Lems on the racist puppy thread. His comments are a tell.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

You remind me of SNL church lady satan.

chickelit said...

I don't recall Althouse ever announcing her 2012 vote -- neither for Obama nor for Romney. She certainly didn't trumpet it or defend it like her 2008 vote.

I do recall the moment when Meade wished (in 2011) that he had voted for Obama in 2008: link

ndspinelli said...

Chic "Rain Man" Little

ndspinelli said...

Church Lady was one of the most consistently funny SNL characters IMO.

ndspinelli said...

Yanks getting pimp slapped by the Mets.

chickelit said...

ndspinelli said...
Yanks getting pimp slapped by the Mets.

That's really gotta hurt Troop if you're familial with his story. Don't kick a man when he's down.

ndspinelli said...

Was Trooper a pimp?

Trooper York said...

Hey you win some and you lose some. It is a long season.

I do know that the Mets are wishing they could play in Yankee stadium instead of the ugly useless place in Flushing.

Trooper York said...

I am relatively happy with this years Yankee team.

I am very happy that they changed radio stations so I can listen easily every night. I have every radio tuned to WFAN which is the sports talk station in NYC so I just have to turn on a radio to get the game. It makes it so much easier.

I listen to about 100 games a year on the radio. I think I might watch about 10 on TV.

I just love baseball on the radio.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The $500 mirror is definitely the better choice.

Chip S. said...

Sorry to interrupt, but this is too funny: LSL has reappeared @ Lem's to feign ignorance of the latest lawblog traffic numbers. And also to declare Lem's a colony of TOP.

It's fun to watch this kind of flailing.

Trooper York said...

Yeah. There is a new E True Hollywood Story up about David Caruso.

Chip S. said...

That one's gonna leave a mark.

MamaM said...

It's fun to watch this kind of flailing.

In keeping with the Mirror Mirror, Who's the Fairest in the Land Theme, a rival Queen is named with a follow up reminder that she is but Dust.

Do cute nicks get any cuter than that? Everyone who sees the bigger picture knows there can only be one Queen.

Chip S. said...

there can only be one Queen.


TrooperYork said...

Wait to you see the next installment.

I will have to put them up here as posts.

MamaM said...

Missed most of the hoohah, as we were traveling today. What's absent from the big picture Chip S posted of the Queen is a pair of white sunglasses, the type worn by small girls and cute young thangs back in the 50's.

blake said...


I went over there out of curiosity to see that he used perfect weasel wording.

Remember how I said that the site's hits were down to 650K, and you had to go back to May 2010 to find hits that low?

What does LSL say but "The site gets over 600K hits a month..."

And if it should drop in to the 500K, he'll say "It gets over 500K hits a month..."

I think they'll probably do better this month, but I'm not really seeing a big boost from her time at Insty. There's actually a pretty strong downward trend through that time period.

TrooperYork said...

Rearranging the deck chairs keeps him busy.

Chip S. said...

A couple of years ago a casual gf complained that I wasn't paying enough attention to her, and that either I did better or it was over. So I said, "OK, so long. It's been fun. Best of luck."

She's spent the years since trying to reconnect.

For some reason I've been thinking about her over the last day or two.