Friday, May 23, 2014

Dog photos Meade doesn't want you to see

He likes to dress them up and then dress them down if you know what I mean.


Chip S. said...

Let's see…10 months ago TOP was proclaiming that its sole purpose was to showcase the literary stylings of its proprietress. A week or two ago Lawnboy was insisting that TOP had reached an all-time high in comment quality, thanks to having offloaded interactive comments to Lem's, the Althouse Factory Outlet where bargain-basement comments are available to lowbrows.

Now, in the "two dogs" thread, Lawnboy is practically begging Chip Ahoy to kiss & makeup with La Bloggressa.

I think they've mistaken him for Chip Diller.

ndspinelli said...

You are an analytical juggernaut.

Chip S. said...

You're kind, nick, but the old "private email" gambit is their tell.

I've wondered from time to time how much it bothered TOP that Mr. Ahoy quite conspicuously posted massively at Lem's while totally ignoring the New, Improved TOP.

We now have the answer: A fuck-ton.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Why an Althouse picture?

Chip S. said...

Trooper's relaying the latest news from Madison.

She ran face-first into a brick wall.

MamaM said...


MamaM said...

We now have the answer: A fuck-ton.

Yuppers. I found this cartoon last week, following Evi's declaration that "Meade's such a dog" on the pig thread.

Seeing him as a dog helped settle what kept coming up for me and that was the question of why he'd be willing to compromise his integrity, honor and dignity with the type of behavior he's been trotting out at Lem's.

His obnoxious nipping, yapping, posturing, pissing on legs, and soiling the furnishings reminds me of what an "unbalanced" (Ceasar's term) dog, who believes himself to be pack leader, does when he doesn't know rules, boundaries, and limitations. In defending Althouse and attempting to take back, "own", or control what used to "belong" to her, purpose and worth is realized.

For him to allow the commenters and forum style she devalued and dismissed, to flourish and grow at Lem's would also allow for the possibility of error on her part in her handling of the July meltdown and response to those commenters afterwards; and that wouldn't make the owner of the House happy.

That he may be deliberately trying to force Lem's hand by making him and his readers experience the type of provocation and aggravation that frustrated Althouse, and in doing so justify her decision to shut down and now moderate her blog, seems highly likely to me.

All of which was said in one way or another over in the pig thread, but I didn't get all my thought in a pile until the dog thing clicked.

windbag said...

...willing to compromise his integrity, honor and dignity...

The assumption being that he had some to begin with. Very gracious assumption.

Aridog said...

Chip S .... if it is the "two dog thread" of the 25th-26th, Meade has "backed out" his comments and maybe a few others...see one commenter who seems to understand the new system of no conversation and post facto editing, and doesn't object:

... skip that last one. I see you decided to back out that whole piece of the thread.

In other words, if a thread goes in a direction, even with otherwise moderated and approved comments, they can and will be "vanished" subsequently if the mistress decides or the helper just quails.

You suckered me in to going over there and reading an entire thread ;( ... won't happen again, I nearly broke down in tears laughing at the "discussion" of knives, knife fighting, pistols and aiming, yada yada....especially since no one mentioned the Tueller Drill issue for combat pistol shooting. Then the part about a stun device that makes a snarling snapping electrical sound that will deter cougars, big dogs, coyote, etc from 50 yards away. Guaranteed!!

MamaM said...

The comment to Chip A about returning any time to TOP was made in the "Two Dog" May 24 thread over at Lem's, Airdog. The one where ChipA posted his pop-up card of the Collie running into a brick wall.

Chip S. said...

Sorry to have inadvertently lured you to TOP, Ari.

I hadn't been there for a while, but went by today and saw a post that was blatant ChipA bait. (The bee in the flower was begging to be animated.)

Speaking of Chip Ahoy, has anyone here ever watched an old HBO show called "Dream On"? I've been watching it on YouTube, and think the actor who plays the teenage son on that show could've been C.A. I wonder if he's a former child actor.

Aridog said...

MomaM and Chip S....okay, I here-by award myself the dunce-putz award for the day.

:-)) Ppbbbfffttt!