Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Whose that author?

“She's going to do nothing but try to trick information out of me that I shouldn't be giving her, Mac," I said.
"Ungh," Mac agreed.
"Why did I say yes?"
Mac shrugged.
"She's pretty," I said. "Smart. Sexy."
"Any red-blooded man would have done the same thing."
"Hngh," Mac snorted.
"Well. Maybe not you."
Mac smiled a bit, mollified.
"Still. It's going to make trouble for me. I must be crazy to go for someone like that." I picked up my sandwich, and sighed.
"Dumb," Mac said.
"I just said she was smart, Mac."
Mac's face flickered into that smile, and it made him look years younger, almost boyish. "Not her," he said. "You.”  


blake said...

Never heard of him.

MamaM said...

Appears as if someone was rooting through their Files tonight, rather than rooting for Sox.

rcocean said...

Stephen King

Trooper York said...

MamaM knows but it is not Stephen King. Good guess.

Trooper York said...

One of the best science fictions writers out today with a great series you should check out.

blake said...

I usually don't read fiction written after 1950 but I'll check him out.