Thursday, July 10, 2008

Are you talking to me?

One of my socks rolled out of my drawer yesterday and right onto Court St for everyone to see. Led to lots of comments. Jeeez, don't people have anything else to do.


Meade said...

" Jeeez, don't people have anything else to do."

What, you mean like huffing Argentine cow gas and then stealing tour buses in the nude?

Of course we do.

Sock loser.

Trooper York said...

See was that so hard?

They never ask that on Althouse. Just because they never get hard.

Unless ther'ye talking politics.

Then even the broads get a stiffy.

Wait..a...minute...must transfer...out of vulgar mode... there....offffaaaa.

It's tough talking in totally different voices to different audiences. How does Barry do it?

I'm Full of Soup said...

WTF were you getting dressed on street?

Meade said...

And who is Barry and why was he borrowing your socks?

Icepick said...

Wait a minute. Are these socks you put on your feet, or socks you stuff in your pants?

Meade said...

Cause if they're socks you stuff down your pants (or this guy Barry's pants), why would they be rolling through the streets of Brooklyn: no turn signal, expired license, and did you know your left brake light is out?

blake said...

Why do you keep a ramp to your window from your sock drawer? I mean, if you don't want this to happen.