Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Employees suck Department.

So I have this girl that we have been helping out by giving her hours in the store. She originally was just picking up a day every other weekend because she liked fashion and wanted some extra cash. But then about two months ago she got laid off of her regular job and I increased her hours so she could have some more cash while she looked for work as an administrative assistant. She was picking up three or four or five days a week while we accommodated her job search activities.

Anyway we have to go to a wedding on Saturday and two weeks ago she tells us she can't work that they because she is going to her friends annual outing to Great Adventure. Excuse me. I mean FUCKING GREAT ADVENTURE! But I swallowed that and struggled to get someone to cover because you know it's the summer and people need a break and all that happy horseshit. But today she comes in and says "see you next week." "What, what about Friday. We are going on-line and might have a lot of stuff to do on Friday." "OH I told you about this didn't I? I mean I know I told you." "No you didn't. I mean it was bad enough you are taking off on a day I really need you to go TO FUCKING GREAT ADVENTURE WHEN YOU DON"T HAVE A FUCKING JOB AND I AM GIVING YOU EXTRA HOURS WHEN I DON'T REALLY NEED YOU BUT I WANT HELP YOU OUT YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT...but now you ain't coming in on Thursday or Friday either. What the Fuck?" "Well you see I made plans and I can't really change them, I am sorry if I forgot to tell you." "Well everybody got's to do what they got's to do. If doing whatever it is you got to do on Friday is more important than coming in on Friday than I guess you got to do what you got to do." .....Crickets chirping....looking down at the floor....more crickets explanation..."Well I guess you got to do what you got to do. Bye." She leaves and I come to find out that she has to go to airport to pick up someone who is coming in from Ireland. Not a relative or anything, just a friend who could of course TAKE A FUCKING CAB. So there is only one answer to this.

Craig's list.


TitusPhantomRegiment said...

Quit your whining Troop.

Americans are a bunch of whiners.

Trooper York said...

Hey Titus, you want a job? I bet you would show up on time and be fabulous in helping girls put together an outfit.