Saturday, July 5, 2008

I thought he was the bicycle thief.

New York Post Police Blotter July 5, 2008

Police stopped a Long Island man at the Queens Midtown Tunnel for driving with a cracked windshield and without license plates and also found that his driver's license had been suspended eight times, authorities said.

Marcello Mastroianni, 37, was in a 1996 Mercury Villager last Sunday near the tunnel entrance when cops pulled him over.

Where the hell was Sophia Loren while all this was going on?


reader_iam said...

Where the hell was Sophia Loren while all this was going on?

Making pasta, of course!

Trooper York said...

"Sophia Loren's Pasta alla Putanesca"

Now that is hilarious since the big rumor is that Sophia was a whore in Naples during and after the war and this is the "Whore's saouce."


The irony is sweet, not the sauce.

Trooper York said...

What the hell is saouce?

reader_iam said...

I can have a wicked (and sometimes even subtle) sense of humor, too, you know, every once in a while, anyway. : )

I'm a huge fan of Sophia's, by the way, to be clear.

blake said...

Am I crazy, or does her hair in that commercial just keep getting bigger?

Trooper York said...

Yes as do her luscious breasts. Keep your eye on the ball.

Or the melons as it were.

Meade said...

"Keep your eye on the ball."

Yes sir, Trooper sir!