Monday, July 7, 2008

Top Ten Vice Presidential Picks for Barack Obama

10. The Wicked Stepmother in Cinderella. If he isn’t going to take Hillary, he should take the closest approximation. Other than Margaret Hamilton. You don’t want her since you don’t want to deal with the flying monkeys.

9. Madonna. Looks like she is available and she has enough money to invest in the campaign. Plus she is Jewish now so that will reassure everyone in Miami. Sort of like Mayor Bloomberg only with better morals.

8. Paris Hilton. He might want to pick someone who has fewer accomplishments than he does and that’s a narrow field. But good old Paris would fit the bill. That’s hot.

7. Jackie Chan. He has a lot of experience working with a skinny black dude with no talent. So this won’t be a stretch.

6. Kennedy the ex-MTV personality with the funny glasses. Haven’t heard from her in a long time so she must have stayed out of trouble. Plus it gets a Kennedy on the ticket. Just think of the bumper stickers: Obama/Kennedy ’08. It’s a natural.

5. Bill Richardson. He isn’t going to pick him but it is a law that he has to be on every one of these lists made by any blogger. See the EOC rulings regarding fairness and diversity in campaign snark page 60 paragraph 18.

4. Mario Cuomo. Hey someone had to mention him. Brings all that Mafia money. Definitely an advantage in West Virginia. Plus the Capone gang owes New York one since FDR’s third election.

3. Cindy Sheehan. It would work out best if he has someone on the ticket with the same world view. And I think Angela Davis is still on the lam.

2. David Archuleta from American Idol. Proven vote getter and used to being Number 2Plus he will be guarantied to close his eye which is what you really want in a vice

1. Tom Hanks. He served in Vietnam in Forrest Gump and went to the moon in Apollo 13. Understands the Aids issue and is really just a little kid in a grown up body. And who doesn’t like Tom Hanks? I mean I know he started his career wearing woman’s clothes but that doesn’t seems to have been a problem for Joe Biden so why not? Tom Hanks is perfect.


blake said...

Not bad.

Way better than the other Veep lists I've read.

Felix the Cat. Remember Felix? Whenever he got in a fix, he reached into his bag of tricks! And he always had just the right thing in there. (Like Batman and his utlity belt.)

Barack's gonna need that bag.

Icepick said...

Sort of like Mayor Bloomberg only with better morals.


knox said...

Kennedy the ex-MTV personality with the funny glasses

believe it or not, she's a rightie. I'm embarassed I know that.