Friday, April 8, 2011

Commenter Memories Number 70- Tim picks one right.

Tim said... Not to rain on your parade, but Sox Win! Sox Win! Sox Win! Red Sox Nation exists to cast a pall over the otherwise insufferable Yankees. How do you like that Cambridge talk?

What can I say Tim? You picked that one right.


chickelit said...

I've been watching "The Wire" and I have to say while I can't really relate to urban Baltimore woes, the character acting and the writing in that series is superb. Did anybody win an Emmy or a GG from that?

The best dialog occurs on that outdoor couch in the projects.

Oh, there's a cop in the series (not a favorite character) who always wears a Red Sox cap.

The Dude said...

That one chick on The Wire won something - I think it was free room and board at some prison or something.

So, there I was, walkin' out to my truck in the grocery store parking lot, and I look up and see an SUV with some bumper stickers - not the usual Coexist crap or Obama is Awesome bullshit, but right in the middle of the tailgate, right under the window, there was a sticker that read "Jeter Drinks Wine Coolers".

I mean what the hey? Why is that on a car in North Carolina? Sure, everyone knows it's true, but come on, what happens in Y*nkee land should stay in Y*nkee land.

So I drove home right away so I could post that on the interwebs. Mind your BP.

blake said...

Troop, there's a little movie called "Cedar Rapids" about an insurance agent who cuts loose in the big city you might enjoy.

Features a number of "The Wire" cast members.

Trooper York said...

The sad part is nobody won an Emmy. But wait to you get to the final season where they do the story about the serial killer and the newspaper man. It is the best stuff you are ever gonna see on how newspapers work. It is unbelievable.

Trooper York said...

The next to the last season is also great when they deal with the schools.

reader_iam said...

The season is young.




reader_iam said...

I liked "The Wire," and I have a kind of fondness for Baltimore, which wasn't all THAT far from where I used to live. Certainly have enjoyed series set in that city, for whatever reasons.

The Dude said...

I have been rollin' through Bawmer since the days of Arabs and horse drawn wagons. Goin' downy owe-shin, hun. Know who the Arsh are and where they are from. Know about row houses with marble steps, Droodle park and all the other highlights. Maybe I need to watch The Wahr and see what all the commotion is about, pronounced "ca-mow-shun".

I also heard that the Sox won a game. Is it true that Sox fans now arrive at Fenway with "Wait Until Next Year" signs? Owes fans have those on opening day.

reader_iam said...

The thing I've come to respect about Trooper's blog is that you can yell at him at the top of your voice and he responds with an erection rather than a conniption. It's not a quality I share (sometimes sigh, sometimes not), but one I've come to appreciate.

And yes, that's a compliment, you big doody-headed Yankees fan, you.

(And if you repeat it, I'll delete it, so there.)

Trooper York said...

Thanks reader. We are here to have fun.

I believe that every one should say what they want. And they can delete it if they want.

Trooper York said...

Oh one more thing.

Trooper York said...

BOSTON SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Penny said...

"Tim picks one right."

In Tim's absence, perhaps I should pick the left one?

Surely it's safer for me to pick a left nostril than to do what comes next.

Baseball players HATE when you scratch their balls.

They're independent that way.


chickelit said...

I'm gonna have to rescind my offer to buy the lady a drink.