Bigwig: Hyzenthlay.
Hyzenthlay: Sir?
Bigwig: I'd like to talk with you.
Hyzenthlay: Yes.
Bigwig: I just wanted to know what is going on at the old warren. We don’t want any surprises.
Hyzenthlay: Lots of stuff sir. They seem to be having a lot of parties or something. They have all these peoples dressed up in funny costumes banging drums and chanting. The farmer is always running out to film them. Especially the young girls. You know the ones with the droopy fun bags. He seems to like to film them the most and it annoys the lady who owns the garden.
Bigwig: Really. What does she do? I hope she isn’t throwing things again. I remember she once almost killed Fiver when she threw a Paul Masson Wine bottle out of her window.
Hyzenthlay: She doesn’t throw stuff. It is too warm to ski now. She just likes to ride her bike and makes the farmer shine it every day with a toothbrush. And she just makes him clean all the statues and make her breakfast and shave her feet. She has very hairy feet you know. Like a hobbit.
Bigwig: I know. That’s why she is always wearing those funny dresses. Even on skis. People are funny. Will there be a party this weekend?
Hyzenthlay: Yes sir. I heard them talk about it. In fact it is a Tea Party.
Bigwig: Really. That reminds me of old times. I wonder if the Mad Hatter will be there. My great great great great grandfather used to be great friends with him and go to his parties all the time. This writer used to have them in his garden until he got arrested for kid touching.
Hyzenthlay: I don’t think he is coming but I think someone famous will be there. I don’t exactly know who she is but a lot of people don’t like her. They say she is a moose killer and has a magic vagina.
Bigwig: She killed a moose with her vagina?
Hyzenthlay: I think so.
Bigwig: That’s pretty impressive. I might drop by to see that. That’s has to be some kind of vagina.
Hyzenthlay: I don’t know. I think you should stay away from vagina's like that. They might bite.
Bigwig: What kind of Rabbit are you? Scared of Vagina's? How will we ever have new rabbits if we are scared of vagina's? If you keep that up I will have the lady in the Garden put you on her arguing show with the rest of the people scared of vagina's. Chest out and dick up now. Carry on Hyzenthlay.
Hyzenthlay: Yes sir. Will you be coming back again soon sir...
Bigwig: Perhaps. I do want to get a look at that dangerous vagina. Just for scouting purposes you see.
Hyzenthlay: Yes sir if you say so sir.
I wonder if commenter Loafing Oaf will magically reappear at Althouse tomorrow when Palin appears in Madison?
Palladian used to go after him sans merci about SP's pussy having gotten hold of his leg. That was funny stuff.
Your blog comment archives have some really good stuff too, but it's harder to search yours because the comment threads so often have nothing to do with the posts. Please don't ever commit bloggercide Troop.
OT - Hey Troop, do you know a guy named Mark Iacono? He owns Lucali pizzeria in Carroll Gardens and was stabbed yesterday, according to a story in the Post. He was stabbed in front of Joe's Perette Deli on Smith Street by Benny Geritano who is apparently mob connected. Anyway thought you might know him because of the location. According to the story he's in stable condition.
Had Pia had Amy'd it up a little...she would have been golden.
Now it looks like both guys involved in that fight Friday are being charged. See here.
Nice comments at that link. I can see that English is not even a second language in Brooklyn.
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