Monday, April 18, 2011

Game of Thrones- as heard by the wife

So we watched the first episode of Game of Thrones last night. Now I got in a lot of trouble with my last post about this. I want to be clear. My wife is a very intelligent woman. She built her own business and is a designer and has a million things on her mind. Of course she can follow a road runner cartoon. I was just joking. Since she never reads my blog I usually get away with it but she read it this time and was not amused.

So to be clear. She does not have ADD. Just "Symptoms of ADD."

Anyway we are watching the show and every once in a while I would have to pause it to explain the action. There is this one scene where the king rides into Winterfel with his whole court to talk to Ned Stark. She says to me "Why is he going all that way to visit him in his castle." I go "Well he is asking him to be the Hand of the King." She goes "Why does he want him to be the Ed McMahon of the King."

So you see. Just symptoms of ADD.


Peter V. Bella said...

You must love sleeping on the couch.

MamaM said...

So out of one hundred million who don't care what you say, there is still one that does.

Beep Beep, Beep Beep
Her horn went Beep, Beep, Beep.

ricpic said...

Hey, one that cares ain't bad. As long as the one isn't a leaner. I've got a friend who NEEDS me to be his daddy (there's about a 25 year age difference) and it's getting to the point where I'm about to quit the friendship. Not that I'm comparing a friend to a spouse but in both cases the needing thing can become a major drag.