Friday, April 15, 2011

Hey wait a minute.....where is everybody?

I didn't know what chickelit was refering to when he said that some of his best comments were on blogs that just disappeared but now I have figured it out.

Our good buddy Montana Urban Legend who became Ritmo who is now Conservative for Better Dental Hygiene has taken down his great blog "Dichotomies." Like Theo Boehm before him he has pulled down his blog and all that had gone before is lost. Which is a shame because he displayed his humor, verve, zest for life and humanity in many interesting posts that really illustrated my point that everyone is not all of a piece. Especially about music. Like hdhouse his love for music displayed a different side of him than his political posturings and let even his most vehement oppenents get a glimpse of his personality in unguarded non-partisan moments. I would be proud to call him a blog friend and I hope like hd and Theo he will continue to stop by to say hello.

His blog and his insight will be missed. At least by me.


Trooper York said...

Oh and by the way....those cartons were printed up by the Crack Emcee as he is looking for his audience. Just sayn'

chickelit said...

Our good buddy Montana Urban Legend who became Ritmo who is now Conservative for Better Dental Hygiene has taken down his great blog "Dichotomies.

Really? That sucks. I hope he doesn't delete his comments on my blog.

Yeah Theo ate my comment about my dad butchering a piano in our basement when we were kids. I was missing it the other day.

chickelit said...

Happy end of Tax season!

chickelit said...

I refuse to believe that commenters like Ritmo Brasileiro (my favor moniker for that entity) disappear completely. Nobody that loquacious just dries up and blows away.

Trooper York said...

Hey people get busy in the real world and life gets in the way.

I am sure he will be back in his own time.

TTBurnett said...

Thanks for the mention, Trooper. For my part, I plan to continue dropping by, partly because you've been fair and friendly (despite your unfortunate attachment to the Yankees), and partly for the other commenters who've settled here.

My reasons for dropping out of blogging do not need rehashing, but you're absolutely right about the real life part: I've got a lot more to do with my computer time than trying to impress strangers with my wit, or wasting my time and energy fighting with the same in some cyber-arena, designed to titillate those with sick, verbal abuse fetishes.

Also, I want to mention to Chickelit that the comment he referred to was probably the best I ever got on my blog. I THOUGHT I saved it along with the rest of the blog. For some reason, looking at my stored content, I see most of the other comments, but the one in question seems to have disappeared. All that remains is a quote I frontpaged. I'll try further to find/reconstruct it, but I've got to say, I'm as frustrated as Chickelit that it's gone. If I could, I'd zap it to him or post it on my Scribd page.

Sorry about that.

Trooper York said...

Hey stuff happens. If you look at your blog as a hobby as I do you don't sweat it too much and things tend to work out. If you get too attached into the nuances and the back and forth you start to obessess about it and nothing good can come of it.

I have one piece of advice for bloggers and commenters and just about everybody I meet in real life.

Get over yourself pal, one hundred million chinamen don't give a shit about what you have to say.

Unless of course they have to deliver you take out.

And then they get it wrong.

TTBurnett said...

Well, I still think it's a damn shame Chickelit's comment got lost, whatever General Pao might think.

An absolute classic, and I feel bad that I seem to be the one whose dog ate it.

Hey, shouldn't I spell that "who's," you know, for balance?

deborah said...

Okay, Tim is Theo.

Weird about Ritmo; my best guess is it has something to do with the girlfriend he hints about.